Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Special Agent" DIA and Group

I questioned what was going on with this one guy who "catches the bad guys" and then I went ahead for more info, and played along for sitting out and talking. He said to meet him at Pier 39 and said these other people had just arrived. I had the feeling they had not just arrived but they all knew eachother.

So he flashes some gold badge that was on a passport type of thing. He tells me he works in the field, catching bad guys and terrorists and setting up nuclear bombs. Why would anyone who sets up nuclear bombs be telling people he sets up nuclear bombs? I mean, he's saying he works in Iran, Afghanistan, and all these countries, and he's the bomb man? Great. I know I'D really want to be known as The Destroyer. And The Savior. Publicly. Like I'd want my face out there. I mean, what he said sounded good, I was starting to believe him, and I was actually having a good time and having fun, but then, I just wondered why this is all so weird.

As I was sitting with this group, more than one photo was being taken in our exact direction, by small cameras and huge lens cameras. There was nothing of interest where we were sitting. We were just having our photos taken. A lot.

I just feel like I'm being set up all the time. If this was something good, it wouldn't be weird.

The other man and woman were funny and the woman especially, but the guy who is DIA said the woman told him I had taken a date from the other guy. I didn't take a date from anyone and later, I realized it was an excuse. He said he wasn't going to be made a fool of and he'd said he was an interrogator. If he was an interrogator he would have known how my story added up and that I wasn't lying. He had no reason to doubt me and he would know people who lie don't spend a lot of time justifying their story. Typically, people use short word answers, not long answers. So he said he had to make a few calls and then he was out. I sent him an email to see what he'd do with it, to see if he'd just hang out tonight, but no.

I don't know why she would tell him I had a date unless she was trying to sabotage things or unless they all knew eachother already and it was just an excuse. She was saying we should all go out dancing. I actually thought it all sounded like fun and she told a hilarious story.

But what am I supposed to think? Next thing I know, the other guy is telling me to talk to his friend "Andrew" for a job. I said what kind of job and he says to talk to his agent. I said what kind of agent, "Special Agent", "Secret Agent", "Movie Agent" and he says "Movie Agent" and tells me to send a photo to this other guy who will forward it to him.

But then the other two are saying the guy I met is possessive. How do they know? I told them I was just hanging out with new people and meeting.

The other thing I noticed, was a lot of English too. There was one couple with two boys that kept staring and staring and staring and then took a table near me. For some reason, I knew they were English before I heard their accents later. The woman looked sad or worried or...? I didn't know what the deal was. But she kept staring--her husband wasn't as emotional but looked at me more than she did. Just kept looking over. Not at the others I was with, but me.

Have to break. A woman who looks just like Marilyn Monroe's twin invited me to dinner and drink. Drink! Drink!


  1. Thought you needed money for a lawyer, so why did you leave to San Fran? How's this going to help your case?

  2. Cameo is a compulsive liar. She has never been to San Francisco. She's trailer trash, on welfare/food stamps, Oregon Health Plan aka Medicare for schizos, and can't even afford a car!

  3. You must be right. I've never been anywhere except within a 30 mile radius my entire life and they called it "the corral". I get to run the obstacle course sometimes, and they set up jumps for me and everything. People pay to line up and hang a leg over the wooden fence, and drape an arm languidly across the top rail. We even have Julias in polka dotted dresses, who have been very impressed with the heights I can clear when I get a good running start. I think it's something like $100 a head just to watch me or read my email for 5 minutes. They put a card in the mail to me, for food stamps, to keep me going.

  4. I guess I'll add, without being sarcastic, yes, I've been to San Francisco, two times.

    The first time was in 1994-2003 I believe. I would have to think more about to remember when exactly. A young woman who was homeless told me she needed a place to stay so I helped her out. She told me she needed to go to San Francisco. I had never driven to California in my life. But because she said that's where she needed to go, I took "Luna" (that's what she told me her name was and she left a note for me signed "Luna") to San Francisco. We talked or listened to music I guess most of the way and then I dropped her off. I didn't ask her for anything--no gas money, nothing.

    It was the first time I drove across The Golden Gate Bridge (and the only time).

    After I dropped her off, I wanted to see the water so I drove down the hills to this point where it was right on the water and Alcatraz was straight ahead. It was slighty to the right, but right there. The weather was amazing, sunny with a good strong breeze. A beautiful day.

    I stood there for a long time, looking at Alcatraz and letting my imagination wander, thinking about escapees and how could they swim that far.

    I didn't know where to go in San Fran, so I did no shopping. I looked around as I drove and drove back home.

    The second time I was in San Francisco was the time I am describing and it was a nightmare. I was humiliated there.

    That's it.

    Once to take a homeless person to where she would be safe and the next time to be humiliated.
