Monday, May 25, 2009

trying for new images now

1950s style longer skirt with a white poodle in the corner and a string from the collar along the hem. sang in a play for school. broke the helix code. i don't know what helix means.

light grey blue sweater
sitting at the table for oatmeal almost every day
glasses with blue strings behind the ears
something in her lap
but i'm not sure what it is, want to say knitting or crocheting
something silver
black wrought iron gate
fence with spikes to hang intruders on
strange sophistication for wild countryside
looking over rims of glasses
with prim mouth and raised eyebrows
dogs at feet, not on lap
mustard colored curtains or color
crimping iron
embroidered satchel with peach, red, gold, dark blue
tray and tv and always, kleenex
gold frames and old light sockets
stack of magazines and newspapers
catfish calling
trees broken into a lattice for light
cherry tree and a blanket for picnic
coffin course for the mad hatter who laughs
at the idea of pigs in a blanket
pasture for miles and miles of green acres
betty grable, charles dickinson, and
"the hours", flashlight and pilgrim's progress
bread & butter on a porcelain plate
pillows and pelt
i forgot about the bunions
not paul bunyan, bunions

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