Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Asking for Change of Venue and Continuance

Washington State Superior Court
For the county of Chelan

Mykal Holt No.
Cameo Garrett Motion For Continuance or Extension of
Time To Allow For Legal
Representation, Evidence, & Witnesses
Request for Jury Trial
I am requesting a continuance in this matter for both Mykal Holt’s TRO and my own TRO against Mykal Holt. It has been only one week and I would like to have a little time to obtain legal representation through the Clear line, where I was told I could receive assistance.
I also have two witnesses whom I would like to call in my defense for both matters and we haven’t been able to work out a time, as this has all happened within the last week and I was moving to Seattle and having to look for a new job because of the problems with Holt and her roommates. The relocation and starting a new job and interviewing for work, in Seattle, because it hasn’t been safe for me to live in Wenatchee, has taken all my time.
Whenever I have tried to live in Wenatchee, my property has been continually vandalized and I’ve had to deal with theft as well. I have witnesses to back up my statements, and at Holt’s house, she not only was going through my things, but my things were being stolen and then she did an illegal lock-out, which I’m told she’s done before. I was also threatened and warned to leave, by her housemates.
I am requesting that the TROs remain in effect and that I obtain one month for preparation to defend against Mykal Holt’s claims, and to present my own case with witnesses, evidence, and proper legal representation.
Washington State Superior Court
For the County of Chelan

Mykal Holt No.
Cameo Garrett Motion for Change of Venue

I, Cameo Garrett, move the court for change of venue, per RCW 4.12.030 (2) which is grounds for authorizing change of venue due to the inability to receive an impartial trial and in accordance with proper jurisdiction.
Please see Declaration in support for Change of Venue

For Washington State Superior Court
For the County of Chelan

Mykal Holt No.
Cameo Garrett Declaration for Change of Venue

I swear that I am over 18 years of age and am competent to make this declaration on behalf of myself, as both plaintiff and defendant in the TROs involving Mykal Holt and her housemates.
I have requested time to obtain legal representation and I am also asking for Change of Venue, based on the fact that it is reasonable to believe I cannot get an impartial hearing or jury trial in this county or in the surrounding Eastern Washington counties because of widespread prejudice and discrimination by medical professionals in Douglas county, Chelan county, and Grant county where there are joint operated clinics, and based on the size of the jury pool from which members for jury may be obtained. I have also been profiled and harassed by certain members of law enforcement in these areas, and many people and Judges in Wenatchee have close relatives or friends in Douglas and Grant county and there are too many conflicts of interest. I have been harassed, threatened, and experienced severe property vandalism in the Eastern Washington locale, and discrimination by medical professionals in both Moses Lake, Ephrata, Chelan, and Wenatchee. I have not been able to get reasonable medical care in any of these towns due to slander and prejudice. As Mykal Holt has attacked my mental health and stability, I believe any questions regarding my medical or mental state are best addressed in another county which is more removed from the circumstances here. I cannot get a fair trial in this area.
Additionally, change of venue to King County is proper as I moved to King County before either action was brought, and this is therefore a proper jurisdiction where the cases may be heard. My legal representation through Clear, will be coming from King County, not Eastern Washington. moved out before Holt brought and served her action against me. She illegally locked me out on May 26th, 2009 and I moved out on May 27, 2009 and established a new residence in Seattle before I was served with Holt’s TRO on, I believe, June 1 or 2, 2009.
I swear that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my ability and knowledge, and know it is made for purposes of court and that I am subject to penalty for perjury.


Anonymous said...

Have you thought about making your blog private via password protection?
This way, some of your information can be kept private (and accessible to those whom you select, and not held against you. Whether what you allege and assert has some validity, in all honesty, some may question what you write as vindictive (calling out people with their license plate numbers, asserting unusual and improbable connections, etc.), and they may assume you are paranoid, even if you are not. Thus, not having your blog available for all to view could protect you in many ways, especially with your son as posting pictures of him may not be safe, either. I know you mentioned charging for your account, perhaps through paypal? Although your blog is interesting, given the economy, most people probably won't pay. What do you think? This comment is DEFINITELY not meant in a negative, but in more of a helpful, caring way :)

Mama said...

Yeah, I've thought about it. I've thought about charging and SOME people, especially those in government or with the state who WANT to use it against me, would pay. There are a few people who would pay and I was thinking of something like $300/mo. for those individuals. The rest, would never pay even a little bit. Well, maybe a little bit. I think enough people get humor out of my blog and are interested in my adventures and trials to pay something small per month to be able to follow along. For example, $5/mo. or something. How to specify, I don't know.

I've considered completely removing my blog. I mean, taking the whole thing down and keeping up with my journal privately. I feel free sharing things about my life, but then if I didn't, I wouldn't have to wonder why I'm meeting men who are trying to "match" the impressions I get for poems or images. I mean, if I go to someone's apartment next, and there are a ton of mobiles of "green fish" and fishing lines everywhere, I'd be like "what the hell?" because I'd want to know if someone read my blog and then some guy wanted to mess with me or make it look like a "sign"...and if I didn't have all my personal stuff up, I wouldn't have to worry about it.

Yeah, I'm not paranoid,, but it would sound like it to some people. Just like when I say I see "images" and it sounds like possible hallucinations until I explicitly clarify this as being from the "mind's eye". And then I speak about getting a "heaviness" vibe and then it "lifts" and that could totally sound bipolar but i'm NOT, and yet I know how it may sound this way. It's more of a spiritual thing, it's not a mood-swing.