Thursday, June 11, 2009

Copy of Another Request to CPS for Psych Eval

Request for Psychological Evaluation‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 6/11/09 6:42 AM
To: Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (


I have been ordered by the court to have a psych eval and I have been asking your department to get this set up for over 6 months, all the way back when I was in D.C. Your department ignored my requests and stalled for 2 1/2 months and then I've come back to the Wenatchee area and tried to go to the psychologist of YOUR choice, in Maryland, and your person changed their protocol and backed out on doing the evaluation, even though I eventually agreed to what she requested, which included a promise from me not to publish anything and to sign a confidentiality agreement.

I have received a list of providers that take state pay in Washington and I've gone through almost the entire list and not one person has emailed me back or called me back. I have kept a record of the times and dates I tried to call, and some of them I've called more than once.

Since this is the demand of the state that I have a psych eval, which I've always been willing to do, once I got evidence that I and my son were injured in childbirth (and was not therefore delusional) I was willing and able to have this taken care of.

Because the state continues to lie about me and prevent reunification with my son, I am unable to have more than 4 hours visitation with Oliver.

I would appreciate seeing an effort on the part of you or your department, in setting up a psych eval, with, again, the psychologist of YOUR choice, ASAP, and if you want me to go to someone in Wenatchee or Washington, I'm even willing to do that at this point, and let you use whomever you want, to try to say whatever they want, about me.

I have nothing to hide, and have never had anything to hide and while I do not feel any psychological evaluation from this area, especially, will be objective, I am not afraid, given that I now have hard evidence which proves what I've said in the past is true. If a psychologist wants to risk their own reputation by trying to claim I have a mental illness, after reviewing all of my materials, speaking with me, and administering tests, that's their choice.

My choice is to continue to "cooperate" with services ordered which were never even fairly obtained to begin with, but by default, because I wasn't defended by a lawyer and I was hung up on in the middle of a hearing.

The medical problems I had in D.C., which required repeated hospitalization, were also not my fault, though this prevented me from traveling back to Wenatchee earlier.

Please let me know, ASAP, how soon you can set up an evaluation. I am available immediately.

Thank you,

Cameo L. Garrett

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