Wednesday, June 3, 2009

el dorado
i was worth my weight in gold
but you got tired of carrying me
never touched me
but carried me
love is not love which alters when it alteration finds
or bends with the remover
the remover
the wagging finger
the silent no
the roast and joke
it is not love which alters when it wavers
when it is a refraction of light shimmering from the blade
bending with the remover
off with her head
heads will roll they say i said
but you know it isn't true
that i would remove you
as you allow them to remove me from you
oh no! it is an ever-fixed
it is a mark
a dagger through my heart
i keep bleeding and all my watered down royalty
is running through my cupped hands
spilling over
my cup, the chalice, and wine
three sheaves of wheat
blown by the wind
my eyes have seen the coming of the glory of the lord
he has trampled out the vineyard
where the grapes
of wrath
are stored
your inheritance
should be restored
who is for me?
two fists down on the table
knife and fork
how to eat a heart
and his girlfriend gave us silverware for our
"anniversary"...the one who wanted to be "the one"
was never the one for me
my eyes were open
i saw you wiping away tears from your eyes
disguised, you thought, in that car
men do cry
even more than me
men cry for their babies, for their lovers,
for the mother they never had, the father who disowned them
for the red wine, for the white, for the
sisters of mercy who sharpened their pens into spears
for the police who wear amarillo on their sleeve
and red on their hands
daisy, daisy, give me an
i'm half crazy, all for the love of
my crazy
sparrows and nightengales
intermarry and have children
crowding at the window and falling into nasturiums
i am your sound of music
but you never hear me sing
unless it's the telephone game
i am holding onto a kite that has wings
wants to fly away
i am holding onto nothing
i say i like the wind this way
unobstructed and free
so unlike the way to justice
when you tear something
pull from the edge
from the right and left
and you will find there is too much in the way
tear with your teeth
next time
fuck what they say
if you want something fuck
the golden goose
the laying hen
set your
i want to see my name in the sky
because it will never be
on the tea towels
do your backflips, 3 in a row
end like a crucifix
arms to the side
palms out
just let them crucify you the way you
watch them crucify me
is this what you want?
tea leaves stink when they're this old
don't they
slide down my rainbow, into my cellar door, and we'll be
jolly friends, forever more more mo-mo-mo-more
i'll hug myself
in a black dress wrap and spin the way my son dances
stomping to the music.
oliver imagined with me, as we laid on our backs
looking at the cps sky...
a sun, clouds,
a plane, he said it was "black" and then
he said he saw a plane that was "white"
two planes, first one that was black
and then one that was white
and then birds. how many? i asked
"three" he counted out, pointing, the way i do
with my mind's eye
then we saw the moon and stars shining
"sing to me mama" he said
as i wrapped him snug as a bug in a rug
my little papoose
"twinkle, twinkle, little star"
he sucked his left thumb
staring into my eyes
i think of him as i see
with my imagination
what no one else can see
he is holding out a single flower for you
with an outstretched arm
it is red
it is a zinnia
yellow in the center
green stem
blue sky
if you can't stand the rhymes
get out of the nursery

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