Sunday, June 14, 2009

Good Things Come In Threes?

I was getting all these "which one?" and a choice between 2 or 3 things with the Spanish guy. Red wine or Spanish champagne? This movie or that one?

This car or that one? Which car "feels" better?

Then I'm with The Seven Dorks and the same thing. Which couch? This one, that one, or this one? Three. I was goldilocks last night and snow white thereafter. He told me to sit down on the smallest one and say what I thought. I said, it was fine but a little short. So then I had between 3 blankets. 1. Sleeping bag, 2. multi-colored comforter, 3. black, white, and gray (monotone) comforter?

I still have my place in Seattle, and that's where I am working. But I need to figured out some things.

I have someone, through someone, who may have a lawyer who can fight for me in this custody thing. If I agree to quit writing or not? I don't know. I've never told anyone I WOULD agree to quit writing on my blog, but if conditions were made, with the assurance I get my son back, it would be an incentive for me to quit.

I think about it though, and why quit documenting things if there is no incentive? I am interested in turning things around and peace with everyone, but I want something too and it's something that is my original and natural right anyway.

I am more than willing to give and take.

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