Friday, June 5, 2009

Googling From Google Bathroom

This is a first.

I am blogging on Blogger, which was bought by Google, from a Google Bathroom. No shit--I kid you not.

It's like top secret stuff here. I asked a couple of guys in passing if they were Google people, after seeing the sign, and they were more elusive than the CIA. What the hell. Maybe the CIA owns Google. Of course I'm kidding around. But they're very friendly and yet close-lipped here.

I guess, as the saying goes, knowledge is power. Google has some power people.

Well this is hilarious. I ought to be going. Someone just came in and asked, "Excuse me, could I help you with something?"


Wipe my ass?

This is hilarious. Wow. Talk about google grapevine. So I left, in a timely manner, and the woman is talking to some man behind the glass looking my direction when I was walking out of the bathroom.

Then I walked up the stairs. Oh, but this other woman came in and was cracking up with me. Can't say who. I think she may have connections to Russia. Kidding again. Sucks when you have to say: "I'm kidding" every 5 minutes so people don't write you up.

A couple cars went by slowly. One English car with man grinning, older man. Another car with women mocking. VW stationwagon with license plate number 074 PF_. I want to say 5 but I think it was a letter.

Anyway, I am sitting outside of Google, in Seattle, using their guest network. I mean, why give a guest network if you have to check on people in the bathroom all the time. Yes, there I was, hacking away at the whole infrastructure.

No one asked me to leave. Actually, after I wrote something about maybe having my ass wiped, the same woman came back in and apologized and said it was just that it was high security.

You know, not like gun check security. It's more like, anyone with a laptop might be some brainiac who is going to disrupt the entire country, perhaps world, through cyberwarfare.

It's good to see they're careful though. Right? I mean, I took zero offense. There was nothing to be offended over and no one asked me to leave the building. I just figured I should probably leave of my own accord if they are tracking me in the bathroom stalls.

484 UER. Another woman with cell phone out for photos. Who cares.

So how did I happen to end up here? On the way to a cafe to send out some information for a woman who is going to post something for me. So then I saw this Google sign and thought, Oh! Interesting! Field trip to a Google office (and actually, I really did have to use the bathroom). So I asked if they were hiring. They're not hiring me now. Shit. Who is going to hire me?

BMW R53. minicooper man. Come on, this isn't a one woman show.

Seriously...What do you guys think? Do you think there are intel involved with Google? I want to say yes. I also want to say this would be a great place to work as a spy of some sort.

At any rate, I think I need to just go around the world exploring things and writing about it. I mean, is it any funnier, could it be, to picture me in a Google bathroom, googling and blogging on their owned blogsite, and having some lady ask if she can help me out???

Oh god, there went Satan's car. 669 XYH. Or was it 996 XYH? black car with three big broads. Men. But for some reason I want to call them broads. Stalkers.

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