Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In An Art Studio Now & Advice I've Received

I needed to smell paint and plaster. I am back in Seattle, in an artist's studio. Having a glass of wine and feeling normal again. That town, Wenatchee, is just wracked with issues and I cannot believe each time I go there, I have some totally bizarre case built about me. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't happen elsewhere. I can't say I'm unknown in Seattle, but there's just more diversity.

I'm looking at sculpture. The artist who took me over asked what I thought and I picked out two pieces: one with an older Native American man who really had "soul" or spirit embued in him and it was tucked away in the back. The artist told me he was going to build a larger one of that same guy so he liked him too. The other one which stood out to me was of a woman lying down and the artist told me it was "Juliet" from Romeo & Juliet.

Something about the anatomy of Juliet, from the back, is just a tiny bit off, but I looked at her and I "felt" something...some spirit from her and maybe some sort of identification, and then I find out she's "Juliet". She's very thin and lying on her side, covering her head with a hand in her hair. I don't know how to describe it. She has an athenian toe. lol. I have seen SO many athenian feet since I wrote about this. I think they must be more common than is reported to doctors.

He said he'd pay me to model for classes in the fall, and it's not nude, just portrait modeling, which is cool. He said most of it would be neck up. I'll be a real live "cameo" again (haven't done it in awhile, the modeling for artists, but it's fun). I'm not comfortable with nude modeling although I support it and think it's beautiful and necessary for artists.

I saw another piece, from another artist in the shared space, and I pointed it out. "I like that" I said. She said it's called "Duality". Sort of like I named my painting with the splotches of mustard yellow-tan. Duality.

I like the female artist I met--she's cool and is a redhead. Another woman, a photographer, came in and she seems cool too. The artist guy is twisting metal about for a brace of some sort. I am in awe of sculpture--it's one medium I am really lousy at.

I got some good advice about life in general from this artist, AND, he said, he didn't think I was mentally ill at all. He said, the fact that I know how things sound, and can step outside the box and put myself in others' shoes and think about how it "sounds", is evidence enough. He said truly mentally ill people don't question how they sound--they are convinced everyone agrees, believes, and sees the same thing. Another vote of confidence at least. I would like to get that from a psychologist.

Finally, someone in Wenatchee recommended meditation and clearing thoughts to allow certain insights to flow uninterrupted. I think there's something to that. When I read about some of the government projects, there is actually a technique which was practiced where it incorporates rest until the moment right before sleep, in order to bring about a semi-conscious and very relaxed state where ideas can flow. And what's interesting, is I didn't realize this is a desired or sometimes "sought after" "state". BUT, what's weird, is that some of my own "remote viewing" has occured at just these moments. I found this interesting, in my research.

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