Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Served By Mykal Holt, Who Illegally Did Lock-out & Screwed Around With My Ex

I just had an officer come over and serve me with a protection order from Mykal Holt, restraining me from the property, with zero details. All it is, is a barebones order.

It was filed May 27th, 2009, but I didn't hear anything about it and was just now served. All I know, is that I was illegally locked out of the house and I had a contract and a verbal agreement with her which she backed out on.

And at no time did I ever threaten her or hardly even speak to her. But I do know my belongings were gone through, and that some of my clothing was stolen, along with a photo.

Of course I'm contesting it, because it's wrong and defamatory, and I moved out ON MY OWN, because I felt SHE was not a safe person and I didn't believe my belongings were safe there either. I would have come back to Wenatchee on that flight if I'd have felt 'safe'. I didn't feel safe, and so this is why I stayed in Seattle, which is where I've moved to.

After Mykal illegally locked me out on May 26th, 2009, I had to crawl in through a window to shower and get some things in time for a hearing, and then it was after this, and after i WROTE about her illegal lock-out, that she filed an "order" the next day, sometime late in the day. I took off that same day, on the 27th, for San Francisco and there was no way in HELL I was going to go back to her house.

1 comment:

  1. Why would she serve you with a protection order? What is she alleging? Also, can you explain more about why you were in trouble in Canada/allegedly so? I feel like there are some missing pieces (or perhaps you can point me to the explanatory section in your blog I may have missed)? Also, is this section true or fabricated, as you requested we inquire for its veracity?
