Monday, June 15, 2009

Maybe A Lucky Guess About My Psychologist?

If I want my psychologist to believe me, about my sometimes very correct "insights", I have wondered if perhaps God will grant me some insights to share with this psychologist. Something I shouldn't know about that would speak to him and help him to know these are not delusions, these "images"...they're not hallucinations. Most of it is totally imagination and just creativity, but sometimes, they are, I believe, psychic insights.

What's interesting, is that I DID have one insight when I was there talking to him last. I saw something about his marriage and I wasn't thinking about that at all, but I saw something very personal. Said nothing. And I will say nothing here. But I wonder if I shared with him my impression, what he would think? and I might pray and see if I get more.

I wasn't in an evaluation with him--we were just chatting a little bit. But I sduddenly got this out-of-nowhere insight into something personal about his marriage. I don't know why, because I wasn't consciously thinking about it. But I saw something that was important to him.

I am a little worried that if I'm too accurate, I am going to scare EVERYONE away! I have no intention of writing about him, or his marriage, or about my evaluation, but I'm just thinking, you know, you have these psychic experiences and how do I explain it to him? Who would believe me unless they know it's not made up and sometimes it takes a personal experience to be a true believer.

I know I'm right though, in what I saw about his marriage, or an aspect of it. It was one of those times I just "knew" and there was no question. Why God chose to give me THAT impression, I have absoluely no idea. I've never met his wife either and I have not one single clue about their marriage at all.

I don't know how I would even try to tell someone about an insight like this. Especially to a professional who is supposed to be assisting YOU with insights into your own life.

You know, psychics, even sometime-psychics or people who feel they get glimpses of "foreknowledge" or "insight" from God are not "nuts" nor are they delusional or hallucinatory.

If this man wants to know, before evaluating me, if I am right or not, I will share some clues...And I am not saying who this is.

In the most discreet way possible...

There is an area of absolute unfulfillment, which can apply to anyone in any marriage, but I know what it is.

That said, if he wants to know more, he can ask me. And I have faith in them as a pair and I say sincerely, "God bless this marriage" and know it will be blessed.

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