Thursday, June 11, 2009

Meet & Talk About U.S. Experiments & Israel

I just talked to this guy who is really interesting. I had a good vibe the whole time I was with him but I don't know that it was because of HIM or FROM him but maybe someone else while I was with him. And still have the feeling.

At first I didn't know what to think but then I thought it was like I knew him from somewhere. I actually looked to see if I, well, his ears were clean. It was so on-cue some of it.

He was very learned in information and science in particular, which was cool. Then, he said he had the same intuition or ESP thing I have and he's noticed it since he was about 14 or so, when others began to notice. He could find the way to a robber once, when he shouldn't have known where to turn, and his friend noticed. He used to say things, give answers, before his mother would even say what she was thinking of saying. And he played with a ouiji board once and it moved towards him and then he saw which color it would point to, before it arrived. So his family didn't believe it and said he was just giving answers after he got it, so he wrote down the color first and then guessed and they opened the paper and it said what he guessed. And he guessed numbers correctly at times.

A lot of things I relate to. I am not like the psychic detectives on t.v., guessing everything correctly, but I have had some of the exact same experiences.

Still, I don't know what to think exactly. I don't know him at all. After we talked for awhile he had to go and asked if I would give him a kiss. I said no and he said to call or text. It was a good conversation, and interesting, I thought.

I swear it was like he was someone else though, or a deja vu thing. He supposedly doesn't know me at all but I think he knows "of" me at least. Just a hunch.

He does basic stuff for a Department of the Interior. But anyway, he's studying particles and atoms and protons and stuff. We talked about field bombs which are nuclear and so contained these days, they only affect a radius or area of about 20 feet. They're contained. Instead of affecting a whole town, there are weapons which affect a very small area. They cause the same damage from radiation, but on a smaller scale. I asked if it's just a smaller amount that's used to create a smaller implosion/explosion.

Also, he talked about some other things. There are, shoot...I forgot what they're called, but the U.S. is doing experiments where there are these wires which can be used to jump electricity from one end to the other end. So you set up one end of a wire on one side and then trigger the thing to jump and meet up with the other wire which may be up to hundreds of feet away.

I asked how he knew all this stuff and he said he used to work as a CIO for a major Fortune 100 company and absorbed a lot of knowledge and he did this at age 26 and was the youngest to become a CIO (in some way, can't remember how).

As for satellite technology, he said the U.S. is working on a laser thing (which I've heard from some others too) which can turn on equipment and electronics from a great distance. He said they've been experimenting with this for a little while and that they're even doing great distance experimentation.

One thing that didn't make a lot of sense to me...but if it's NOT true, why would he give me his name and let me see his photo ID and give me his phone number? He was from Oregon.

(Oh, what a great song to hear at this moment: The Unknown Soldier by The Doors. I wish someone could have heard the song I heard a little bit said Beach Boys "Barbara Ann" but it was a bunch of English guys singing "BAAAaaaaaa-Baaaaa-Baaaaa-Baaaaaa ra ann" like sheep. It sounded live and they were all cutting up and laughing and then saying, randomly "baaaaa" like sheep and then kept singing the song off-key. It was hilarious but I wondered where in the world it came from. I couldn't stop smiling and then laughed out loud because it was so weird.)

So, besides this experiment of turning on equipment and electronics from a distance, he said some scientists think they are just screwing with the ozone layer because it's "punching holes" in effect, because, he said, it's sent from one end and then refracts down to a different area. I don't know if he was totally joking about that part.

But this is what he said. He said he has been working on other forms of energy through using hydrogen from water like what is used in a generator but using it in another metal container or a generator of sorts.

And then something to do with electricity and how to generate different forms of energy from light.

I will have to confirm all of this. I was sort of spacing in and out, thinking he seemed oddly familiar, and then that the topic was interesting, but how would he know I might have an interest in this, and then how his face looked remotely like a celebrity's face I had just seen a photo of (believe me, he's not the celebrity, but his face was similiar and I looked at his teeth to see if there was a gap or anything.)

He gave me the name for the kind of weapons and technologies which are currently being tested and which the U.S. has been testing for some time. I will have to call him to clarify everything and then look it up and see if it's true. I don't know. If this is all true and I find out it's accurate and could explain things that happened to me and my son, I might just give him a kiss.

He also said the U.S. collaborates with Israel not because they are supporting the religion but because they have, he said, "the best" intel and best spies maybe of the world. He said the things they come up with and know about are shocking and surprise even the U.S. so the U.S. wouldn't want to let that go and has a close relationship with them because of the intel trade-off.

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