Friday, June 19, 2009

Met Another Writer Today! I am Looking For Agent

I met a children's author today and had a little workshop pep talk. Really nice guy and he gave me some advice for considering publication and getting an agent. I told him he could be a tour guide too.

Then I thought and said, "Hey! I should be a tour guide! That would be fun!" and then, because I don't know the area at all, I said, "I don't know this area though...You know what? I should start something sort of half dinner-theatre, half tour guide and call it "Let's Get Lost!" He laughed out loud, and I said it could be where someone hires me to be take them on a gypsy tour, gypsy style, and we'll just wander around together and get lost and yet they can pay me for everything and where we end up, you know my food and other expenses and then a fee for helping them to forget about following a plan.

Let's Get Lost.

I want to get paid for my time getting lost.

The Accidental Tourist Meets The Woman Who Knew Too Little.

You know what's crazy, is that this is actually a great idea...I mean, really? What do you give the person who has EVERYTHING?


It could be a great joke or novelty gift to give the uptight businessman or CEO. It could be a fun gift when you're bored and have nothing to do or just want something different.

Someone should hire me just to brainstorm creative business ideas. If I had a couple million, the things I could do with it...You've no idea. I could turn a little bit into a small fortune.

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