Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Michael Sandidge, Uraninium Specialist, Asking About My Blood

I found the contact information I'd saved, which I got from Mr. Michael Sandidge. Sandidge is the guy who specializes in finding uranium for companies, and utiliziing it.

Michael approached at a bar or pub and asked me a lot of questions, and then wanted to spend further time with me at my hotel room and I told him goodnight. He said he was driving someone else's car, which I thought was a little odd and I didn't know why.

He asked me if I'd had the assay or blood analysis done, for chromosomal disturbances which can be caused by any sort of magnetic, micro, or radioactive type of exposure.

He approached me and said he was a uranium specialist, a few months after I saw the guy poking around the back of my property with a metal detector.

I think it's odd, especially now, given we now know Hanford is fully operational and that experiments are being conducted for nuclear research. I didn't know this until just recently, a few days ago, when the news broke.

But I had already documented how some Dept. of Energy guy was following me and my son around, and how there was another guy in a van who went all the way to Canada, and then there was the metal detector guy in my backyard in the middle of winter.

What stands out a bit is the fact that uranium is used for conversion to nuclear power. Why would someone who works in this field be approaching me and asking me about my blood? Then, when I read the bit about the research in Richland, I read they are specifically testing nuclear power with its results on metals or use in metal catalysts.

So why the hell, was someone looking for metal something or other, in the backyard of my property? when my son and I were having all these horrible health problems? and then the Dept of Energy man and all the other strange activity at the house?

I don't know that it was an official experiment, but it is possible something was going on and it actually MAKES sense and brings some random parts together.

If it was sanctioned somehow, it would be best to hope I get discredited as being totally nuts and maybe someone would choose me as a subject, and yes, even my son (it's been done before in history of the U.S., sorry to say) just because they knew I would try to blog about what was happening...OR it simply could have been individuals who had ACCESS to certain materials and technnology, were just using it with malice and ill-will, and were hoping to keep me from writing. I have no idea.

But now that we know nuclear experiments are being conducted, don't tell me, after what my son and I have been through, that it's not "possible".

I don't buy it. Instead of ME always trying to figure out what happened, someone should be explaining themselves and why everything seems to point towards some kind of planned and collaborated use of SOMETHING which was harmful to my and my son's health.

This guy I met at NIH, in Chevy Chase, MD, thought it sounded like the effects of actual satellite warfare or a new kind of targeted radiation technology that was in development by the military and which most people didn't know about. He was an MRI specialist who had been asked to use HIS talent for creating weapons which were used to kill people, from satellites and using MRI application with satellites.

Then we've got Andy Panda with HIS theories, which he obviously doesn't want to get involved in now, but which clearly, he had a part in, in at least what he suspected would be "possible". He never said it WAS happening, but he DID say what would allow someone to hack onto a desktop and do other things, and how it would cause problems.

I still think it's possible there was more than one thing occuring or creating what was going on. I'm not convinced it was just ONE thing.

But now, another alternative and possibility has been opened up, because with the release of the nuclear plant info and what kind of experiments are being done, it is creating a question:

If the Hanford operations were utilizing uranium or nuclear power, and especially with metal experiments and using metal as a conduit or something, then...why did I have a metal detector who was monied, on my property when all this stuff was going on? why was I approached by a uranium guy, whom I wrote about way back when? and the dept. of energy man, like he knew something? just following us and smiling?

Does anyone else think, possibly, this is a normal and good question to have? All I'm saying is that it may NOT have been government sanctioned in general, but someone who worked in the government in this field could have used the resources to harm me and my son.

I do know people who have worked for the state have lied and done things which are reprehensible, to me and my son, and I also know that a few FBI agents and police have intentionally obstructed justice and tried to intimidate me and keep me from getting records and FOIA.

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