Thursday, June 11, 2009

Michelle Erickson's Fears & Wenatchee Medical Professionals

I think Erickson has some concerns of her own, in protecting herself.

She was the sole person to take the stand and make statements or testimony against me, in Fact Finding, when I had no discovery from the state. Her ENTIRE argument, to Judge Hotchkiss, was based on comments made by Wenatchee medical professionals, none of them mental health professionals. There were zero grounds for deciding I was a "risk" to my son, and all she used, was statements made by doctors who I can now prove lied and covered up a traumatic childbirth and I've got records to prove it.

Michelle not only MOCKED my claims of having disabilities and injuries, publicly, which was recorded, she went on and ON, using all of the medical concerns I had to make some kind of claim that I was delusional and "paranoid" when, she claimed, nothing had happened and my son and I were never injured and never had problems.

The only time Erickson tried to argue with me, strenuously, was when I said what would she think about my uploading her entire argument and harassment of me, from that hearing, online, publicly? she freaked out. She basically tried to say this wouldn't do any good.

Well, it sure wouldn't do any good for her. And maybe it doesn't directly affect my court process. But it would bring attention, to the public, of the fact that I was lied about and that the state had nothing more than a "somewhat untidy house" (from the outside, not inside) and slander by Wenatchee doctors who were going to be sued, to go by.

NOW, since I've mentioned I have medical records to prove I was never delusional about this, the state and Erickson have only tried to use my "blog" against me, which THEY DON'T even know which parts are creative writing, fictional, an exercise in putting characters and a novel together, and which parts are factual and true. They've never bothered to verify anything and never have I made any comments which would suggest I was a "risk" to my own child, or that I would do any kind of physical harm to any adult even.

The state has also repeatedly tried to conceal, deliberately, the fact that it was not ONE mental health professional who said I was "fine" before I left for Canada, it was TWO.

TWO independent men, concurred there was nothing wrong with me, immediately prior to my legal departure with my son, to Canada. They were the only mental health professionals I saw and they both cleared me, and yet they asked what was wrong with the ER and Wenatchee doctors, who were PRESSURING them to say something bad. I told the psychologists that they knew I was trying to sue them for medical malpractice, refusal of reasonable standard of care, and slander. Which is, obviously, the truth, and I can prove it now.

I have 16 witness statements, from neighbors and a librarian, confirming immediately prior to leaving, there was nothing wrong with me and that my son was happy with me. Then I have TWO mental health professionals who cleared me immediately prior to my departure. On top of that, I have records which indicate my son was very happy, well-adjusted, and healthy, prior to our departure. This doesn't mean he isn't affected by what happened at childbirth, but he is okay.

First Wenatchee CPS tried to run me and my son out of the state so I couldn't get an attorney who was licensed here, to sue for myself and my son. Now, I've lost on my statutes, because of the trauma they inflicted on me by taking my son, and now, they continue to try to nail me with a mental illness through someone THEY know, and when I try to go to a different area for a more objective chance, I was ignored for months because they couldn't be certain of the outcome. NOW, I have even more evidence which I can show a psychologist, which places serious doubt on the credibility of any of the former claims against me, and now the department just stalls and their person of choice backs out right before a hearing, and they try to throw it back at me.

Do you really think anyone wants to take this on now?

I have a right to have a psychological evaluation done, and in an expedient manner, but now I think it becomes a question of whether or not any psychologist is willing to risk their reputation, personal or professional, to appease the state.

So I've just thrown it right back at the state, giving them absolute carte blanche:

Go ahead, make my day.

Let me see THEIR good faith effort to line this up. They have been insisting I have a psychological evaluation done by someone they know, in Washington state. I said I prefered it be out-of-state because of conflicts of interest but I let them CHOOSE whomever they wanted, and they stalled long enough, they had over SIX months to decide on someone. So I tried to go to her and she changed everything and backed out last minute, and then refused to do the evaluation even after I said I would AGREE to all of her "conditions".

So then CPS went to Judge Hotchkiss, happily, and said I had not complied with services again. Right. It's MY fault.

So now, I'm upping the ante.

I'm not just telling them to pick ANYONE THEY WANT, from Maryland, I'm telling them, "Hey, I'm willing to go to ANYONE you want me to see, in Washington, and even, Wenatchee." I'm letting them pick their best bet, their "known" psychologists and friends, and I'm sure someone who works for the state knows SOMEONE who would be willing to do anything just to get paid and keep an income flowing. Hard times they are, these days.

So I want to know, after I just personally called all these people on the state list, and after I even called Wenatchee psychologists, one who said even if I were mentally ill, it wasn't grounds for taking a child from their parent, and the other who said they would try to squeeze me in right away but who hasn't called me back after they said they'd talk to Michelle...

I want to know exactly what it is, the state really wants at this point?

I have offered myself up as the sacrificial lamb and now no one even wants the blood on their hands. I had good reason to wait to do the psych eval, until I got supporting materials for myself. I was willing to go to ANYONE, on the East Coast, WITHOUT even these materials, because I had nothing to hide and was sure anyone who was remotely objective would not find fault. But CPS was worried about that too, so they ignored my requests for 3 months and then stalled even longer, claiming it "took time". I talked to a CPS worker who was unrelated, privately and confidentiality and she said it was BS, that it did NOT and should not, take the amount of time Wenatchee CPS was claiming it took.

I think Wenatchee CPS is not even worried.

They are no longer requesting that I do UAs. I haven't done one since the last hearing. I've never been a substance abuser, in my life, but still, they wanted any alternative for finding something on me. I didn't appear for two UAs last month, because I was in the middle of reporting abuse of my son and odd marks on his body, and they said that technically, because I didn't show up, they were "dirty". Which is still BS because not one person could say I am a substance abuser, and I did UAs almost 2 times a week all last month. If I were using drugs, even if I missed one appointment, it would still show up.

Now, I think the state doesn't want to spend their money on UAs. They think they can already terminate my parental rights and claim my son isn't bonded or that it's lessened and they claim I haven't "cooperated" with the psych evaluation even though I have bent over backwards to be PROACTIVE, even when I and my son were totally screwed over.

So, I am giving them their opportunity to PROVE they are acting in "good faith". After getting screwed over with their "pick" from Maryland, I'm upping the ante by telling them I will go to ANYONE of their choosing.

ANYONE. Line it up. Let's go.

I want to see what their response will be, and how they try to wiggle out of this one. I am also curious to see who they choose to evaluate me, and if they make any effort at all in setting this up. It is their JOB, to set up evaluations. I have a record and email proving I was willing to agree to the conditions set forth, at the last minute, by their "pick" in Maryland. NOW, I am saying I'll go to ANYONE, even in this state.

I want people to know how this is really going down. If anyone hasn't believed me in the past, watch what happens next. Either they will find someone they KNOW will lie or who will go whichever direction they want, regardless of the truth (and it will then be imperative for anyone else to avoid that psychologist and refuse to go to them for any kind of evaluation), or the state will back out of setting it up altogether, OR they will do something last minute or in the process of setting things up to stall and delay or get the psychologist to back out again.

Just watch.

At this point, it's almost hilarious.

I have the following:

1. Medical records which prove I had all the injuries I claimed to have had in childbirth.

2. Notes which prove I had symptoms of partial seizure beginning from age 15, coinciding with migraine and menstrual cycle.

3. Statements and evidence I've never been a substance abuser, including an abuser of "prescription pills" which I've only ever taken for actual legitimate injuries and pain.

4. Evidence that something environmental was triggering health problems in me and my son, and combined facts supporting someone being on the property, different people actually, being questioned by a uranium specialist, followed by a Dept. of Energy guy and THEN finding out later that there is technology in Washington state in active use, for nuclear research.

5. Evidence that I spoke with Andy Panda about computer hacking and electrical problems at the house and what HE told me it might be, or what could cause this, AND evidence from neighbors that serious harassment and violence and property damage was occuring immediately prior to new problems, and evidence I received "warnings" or threats to quit writing about things and that I was putting myself and my son "in danger". Specifically, I was told to quit writing about Judges and other things.

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