Sunday, June 21, 2009

Migraines Disappearing?

I haven't had a migraine since the last time I reported one. I started to get one while driving, I think the same day someone asked me if I was hiding. The weird woman in the cafe that another woman overheard.

I haven't had these regular migraines anymore but I don't know why. It's the first time in my life, to have a break from them for this long of a period. I think the only thing I've done differently is take the cortisone stuff, but that doesn't make sense it would cure my migraines really.

I've had the droopy eye effect and a very mild headache, just a light tension type headache, around the time of migraine, but actually, I've almost had nothing at all. If someone slipped me a cure, at some point, in my food or drink, I think it worked.

But we'll see for next month. If I don't get any next month, it will be a record, because I've not smoked any marijuana for over 3 months too. So, it will truly be a record and inexplicable.

Here's to good luck in that regard! If I don't have migraines, I don't even have to get a medical permit for marijuana.

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