Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My News Briefs Today

I have just a little time. I read about Osama bin ladin's new message, and then typed in princess diana and got some stuff on her boys but didn't read. Video clips but don't have time to watch. Have to say though, they both look very good and very healthy. So different in a lot of ways though. for some reason, Harry reminds me of Andrew but i don't know why. Andrew, brother to Charles. why? william sort of reminds me of his mom but dad too. sort of his own person really. they both seem to be in good spirits. looking very robust.

Then I read a headline, which I didn't delve into, about lady gaga wanting to re-enact princess di's death for a video. i hope she doesn't. i'm all for free speech, but that's really unnecessary and highly offensive, and if she wants publicity, i don't think it's a good pr move. she can rock with her music. i believed in her and i knew she would go to the top in the u.s. she doesn't need to add weird stuff to her repretoire. i don't know, if it's really important to expressing herself and her beliefs and values, i would say then, to follow your heart. but don't do something just for the shock factor.

I want to write what my response to Osama bin ladin and the pakistan events would be. i don't have time right now, because it's a big topic and i have to visit my son. but i have some thoughts.

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