Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My TRO Against Holt & Roommates

I filled out a TRO, requesting relief and protection, from Holt and roommates, yesterday. I'm filing it today. My statement is as follows:

1. Describe most recent incident of threat of violence and date:
I refused to go back to my residence after May 26, 2009, when Holt did an illegal lock-out and after she had said she was going to "shoot" any person she didn't want on her residence. She said she was serious and the neighbors next door have said she is "nuts" and that she's displayed violent behavior and threats in the past, towards THEIR family, and had done an illegal lock-out with them. Prior to May 26, 2009, I was looking for a new place to live because my room was constantly being entered and my belongings ransacked and then thrown around. My roommates said it was Holt but a neighbor said police had been there. My clothing was taken and then replaced, and then clothing and photos stolen altogether. No one but Holt and roommates had access to the house. I know one roommate's friend admitted to carrying knives and being in a gang and a family friend of these roommates told me, on the early morning of May 27th, to move out because he knew her history and it wasn't good. I was stalked by roommates recently, on June 1, 2009, while at a cafe.

2. Describe past incidents where you experienced violence, where you were afraid of injury or where respondent threatened to harm or kill you:
Holt said she more than willing and able to "shoot" anyone who even caem near her "property" and made a lot of paranoid assertions that the house next door was a big drug house under surveillance by the "drug taskforce". She said she was "cleaning the neighborhood up". The family at this house said Holt was "crazy", cussing out a 12 year old boy and threatening him, threatening them with physical harm, slandering them to police, and illegally locking them out. They said she was also violent with her father, whom she recently "pulled the plug on", who was old and sick. I believe Holt has firearms or other weapons and that she's impulsive enough to use them without thinking. Holt has gone through my belongings in my bedroom and taken things and destroyed things, and roommates said it was her when I asked who did it. But then roommates have stalked me and said I needed to "be careful" because there were poisonous spiders in the house that could "kill you." I came home one day and these women told me to look at the dead poisonous spiders on my hope chest--a brown recluse and a black widow, and they kept turning them over and staring at me, telling me to "be careful", because these kinds of spiders "kill people". I asked why they were on my hope chest and they shrugged. They said I should "move out". Then, they began stalking me in public places, AFTER they had filed a TRO! against ME, claiming they needed "protection" from me. I have 3 different witnesses to Holt's pattern of conduct and instability, and to the troubled past of her self-chosen housemates, who were in gangs and are on probation.

3. Describe any threats of suicide or suicidal behavior by the respondent:
Mykal Holt has recently "pulled the plug", as she said, on her elderly father and she claims to have "cancer" and has been on medications for mental health. She wasn't washing her hair or keeping up with basic self-care things and I believe, given her threats, and then crazy lies and actions, that she is a potential risk to herself. I do believe bereavement is a natural possibility, but her pattern of violent threats and erratic behavior, combined with paranoid claims every is a big-time "drug user", warrants concern.

4. Does the respondent own or possess firearms?
I believe so because she made threats regarding how she'd use them.

5. Does the respondent use firearms, weapons or objects to threaten or harm you? Please describe:
Yes. Holt made it clear to me that she was willing and able to "shoot" anyone she didn't want around her or her property, including me. She threatened to shoot the neighbors next door and they said she was "crazy". Holt also lied, claiming I had brandished a knife in her house, and if she would lie about me regarding weapons, I believe she is dangerous herself or that she's delusional and psychotic. I've never made a violent threat in my life and I've been blogging for at least 2 years and never once, in almost 2,000 posts, have I come close to writing anything which would suggest I employ threats of physical harm, or actually use weapons.

6. Other:
Destruction and theft of personal belongings including photographs, clothing, and Holt offering me a sleeping pill which was prescription but I know which kind. I refused the pill. It was not prescribed to me.

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