Monday, June 1, 2009

My Yacht Club Adventure

Just to write a little bit about it...I went to a yacht club awards thing and met some really interesting and diverse people. From all over too! It was a really good group.

I found out, I have the perfect figure or build for being the front person because they want someone light at the front. But you have to also be strong, balance well, and know what you're doing with the masts and ropes. It's the main mast person who turns stuff. I forgot the name of the position.

I am very serious about wanting to do competitive racing-sailing. It would be really fun, I think, right out there on the water. I am told other positions are safer but I sort of like taking risks and if I'm built in a way that's an asset on the boat or for a race, then I might want to learn what to do. But I guess you have to yell orders and take shit.

I don't know...?

I would definitely need to know more technical stuff. I've heard it's possible to learn by just studying books and videos and then doing it. I don't think I'd pay for classes or anything. I'd learn the book stuff and then go out and feel it, or do both at the same time.

At any rate, it was a lot of fun and I met different people from different countries again, all doing interesting things. The rest were pretty homogeneous, maybe...? but seemed nice and relaxed. It was a lot of joking around.

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