Monday, June 1, 2009

Mykal Holt's Crazy Claims

I wasn't served with the full and proper motion or papers when police gave me the order. I only got the order and nothing more. Nothing with details.

So I went to the courthouse and this woman is totally nuts. I know she has cancer, and I know she's on medications for it (at least this is what she told me) but this is a bunch of b.s.

I am seriously questioning Holt's frame of mind at this point. This woman has gone out of her way to harass certain neighbors and lock people out, and tells me and the other housemates she'll "shoot" them if they're around. The other neighbors kept telling me she was "crazy" and I didn't know who to believe.

I read her statement and for one thing, she can't spell. She wrote "perscriptions". She accused me of using METH or being a former METH user, which no one has ever, in my life, accused me of. Not even doctors, police, or my ex-fiance who was saying he'd testify I didn't use substances AT ALL.

She also totally made something up, claiming I threatened her and held a KNIFE up. I never even USED any knives in that house because I didn't eat there. And I certaintly never threatened anyone with a knife. Why would my other housemates have been staying the night there if I did?!

She claims the other roommates said I was asking them if they'd been sexually abused or something. I never asked such a thing. The only conversations I've had with THEM were over dinner, which I wrote about in one post, and then when they were sitting there, pushing over dead spiders and telling me these were "poisonous" spiders. Right after that, I talked to someone who KNOWS these women and he said they're mixed up and have had some very serious issues with the law, including gang involvement AND drugs. He said to get out fast and don't go back because if my clothing was being stolen and someone was going through my things, he believed me.

Mykal also claimed I harassed some other neighbor, screaming at her or something and I never did. I had gone over to her house that night because Mykal had ILLEGALLY LOCKED me out. And then Mykal writes she wants to keep my hope chest and clay pots. I am not even kidding. Like I would give HER my hope chest. I told her I'd sell the pots to her, but that was at a price. I considered selling the hope chest but never did and decided against it.

This woman also said I falsely accused her of having sex with Alvaro, and that's one thing that's true. Well, I didn't falsely accuse her, I accused her rightly, and my fiance did NOT deny it either and he was gone the next day when I questioned him, he didn't deny it, and I told him to pack his bags. I guess Mykal wants everything to think she's some innocent woman. A missionary of all things. The woman is rotten to the core, sorry to say, because anyone who flat-out lies like that, is not a good person.

I've never falsely accused even my worst enemies of anything and I've never in my life threatened to physically harm anyone nor have I made gestures torwards this. Never.

If I were that kind of person, you would think, out of almost 2,000 posts I've made on this blog, I would at leaast ONCE write something about how I wanted to do something to someone, or you would see an indicator of a violent personality or desires. Sorry, but that's just never been something I lean toward, not even when I'm outraged. I'm not a violent person and I don't use any kind of weapon.

I threaten people with lawsuits, and my writing the TRUTH is threatening in and of itself. I have no desire to use physical threats or make physical overtures, when I have a wonderful brain and ability to write exactly what I need to get out.

The pen is fucking mightier than the sword.

It's too bad some people are so delusional they can't tell the difference.

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