Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oliver's Tooth Deformity Problems (enamel dysplasia)

Oliver's teeth are getting worse. I took a good look yesterday because he kept wanting to say "ahhh" and open his mouth and stick out his tongue.

He definitely has enamel dysplasia and it affects MOST of his teeth. The worst ones are beginning to show really fine cracks on the surface and are becoming more discolored.

Oliver may be having some problem with heat sensitivity too, in eating, because with the lack of enamel, he's more susceptible to hot and cold sensitivity.

His teeth are definitely affected and you can see it when you're looking. I found his records where the dentists say he has this abnormality. They told me it was caused by traumatic pressure from overlong childbirth and that his primary teeth were probably affected and if they were, his permanent teeth could be affected as well.

I was told if his permanent teeth are affected, it will mean he needs professional dental work and veneers in order to try to make his teeth last as long as they should.

I don't know why, but Wenatchee CPS doesn't want to acknowledge he has this problem and even though it's documented, they've done nothing to send him to an independent specialist to have this evaluated. Instead, they've just sent him to the dentist of their choice, in Wenatchee, who claims nothing is wrong. Oliver needs to be further evaluated by a pediatric dental professional who has experience in dealing with enamal dysplasia, which IS RARE, and get a proper diagnostic one way or the other, and treatment for it.

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