Monday, June 1, 2009

Owies On Oliver, Red Toenail Polish, and CPS Reaction

I have been told to document what I see on my son and what the visits are like. Since CPS ordered i not be able to videotape or take photos, I can't document this way.

Here is how this department is working though--this visitation monitor obviously can't get a job doing anything else because she not only lies in her remarks, she does things like this...My son told me he had new owies and took his socks off himself to show me. When I commented, the monitor just wrote down what I said. She didn't even look at my son. She didn't care whether my son had marks or injuries on his body or not, because she didn't look over. I asked her why she was doing this, writing down what I SAID without verifying or taking a look for herself and documenting what she also SAW. She said CPS had asked her to do it this way. I said to her, she must know that just writing I said this, without checking to confirm or not, made it sound like I was just talking about marks that weren't even there as if I were delusional. She shrugged. She knew exactly what I was talking about.

So I said, bring Michelle in, because I want documentation that Michelle saw these things and then it's on her whether or not she accurately records what is there.

So today, I doucmented while I was still in the visit, and wrote down exactly where the cuts and bruises were and which leg and how deep or light.

My son wasn't "harmed" by talking about his owies, in the least. I told him he was getting a sticker for every owie he showed me and he was the one to bring them up. He was also the one to affix stickers ON his owies, so it's not as though they didn't exist, or my son is "delusional" too.

My son also had three of his toenails painted red with nailpolish and then the polish had been removed. I don't know why someone would use dark red toenail polish on my son's toes, when they knew how it would show up. I don't know why a neutral color couldn't have been used if it was for play, but instead, someone used dark red on his toes and then took it off. Just three toes.

The cust and bruises on my son's ankles and toes were as follows:

2 cuts in crease of big toe, underneath foot, and on top of toe underfoot. Deeper on left toe
2 cuts on right toe, underfoot, in same round circle cuts.
2 bruises like finger marks right ankle, one on left chin very light. Pointed it out to sue, sue didn’t number but just wrote I made comments and called Michelle. lWe put stickers on the owies, Oliver put the sticker on himself.

He also had a rash on his stomach, which he pointed out to me and put stickers on. He had sort of bumpy and irritated swath above his diaper line, on his tummy, above his diapers. It was red and bumpy, with raised bumps, like an allergic reaction or irritation.

One good comment, was that he seemed slightly heavier, as if he'd put on a little bit of weight. Maybe a lb or so, but I noticed he looked a little bit healthier, just slightly, weight-wise. I think in the two weeks or more since I submitted my motion to CPS complaining about his loss of weight out of my care, someone has decided to pay attention to waht he eats or if he eats.

Another bad thing was that his toenails and fingernails were all long and ragged again and his toenails had stripped themselves in a couple places because no one cut them and they obviously tore.

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