Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Red, Blue, Green: Bury My Heart & The Appeal

Last night, at the end, I noticed a couple sitting to the side. Not saying where or when. They saw me and looked back down at their books but something drew me over to them. I noticed the man was wearing a red shirt and the woman was wearing a blue shirt with a green coat and it had swirls of blue on the jacked.

I asked what they were reading. The man was reading:

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

and the woman was reading:

The Appeal.

He was just starting his book and she was almost through with hers. When I asked either one of them what book they were reading, they almost began to cry. The man's voice cracked for a split second and the woman almost started to cry.

I looked up the synopsis of both books last night and tonight.

They said they were just there to get out of the house, no other reason. They acted like it was no big deal, but when I was walking away, I looked back and the woman was staring at me and I continued on but still felt her staring and I looked back and there she was. Both she and this man kept looking up and then smiling and, I don't know...It was 12 p.m. at night and they were older, and sitting there and said they had left their house just to sit at this place and read.

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