Monday, June 15, 2009

Taking Down My Blog & Evidence Of Civil Rights Violations

I have been thinking too, that if I have a lawyer for this dependency, I will quit writing on a blog possibly, if that's what they want.

If I get my son back into my care, I would be willing to take down my entire blog. Start to finish.

I don't really feel it's a good idea to do this unless my son is back in my care, though, because this has been one protective way of letting some of the public know what's going on and keep up, and I HAVE had support because of it. It would be imprudent to remove it at this point, but I would consider taking it down.

I have also kept a few things in reserve, like the audio uploads from the hearings where I was hung up on, and Michelle Ericksons "testimony" against me. I haven't uploaded any documents I still have in my possession either. I have quite a few things some people wouldn't want online, and I've kept it in reserve, to give this a chance to turn around. If it doesn't though, there would be zero incentive to keep it from the public record. Everything from email, to medical records, to handwritten letters, to recorded audio.

I am considering giving copies of this information to someone trusted, so if anything prevents me from doing it myself, someone else can. I aim for peace, but if my good faith efforts are ignored, I still have a public forum to add things to in the future, if I need to, to secure better support down the road.

I think everyone, at this point, wants to see give and take. I have been more than willing to cooperate, but I've seen a lot of lying and obstruction of justice. I can look the other way if some groups are interested in just moving forward. If they're not, though, I don't exactly know what anyone would expect from me. I wouldn't feel it's in my son's best interests, at that point, to have some of the evidence hidden any longer or to protect the reputations of other any further.

I've made claims about some things but I haven't uploaded the evidence they know I have. So, I have held onto it and, as I am not truly an impulsive person, I have carefully considered which direction to take it.

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