Monday, June 8, 2009

Visit with Oliver Last Week (cuddling and "scary house")

I kept putting this off. Oliver, last visit, last week, on Wednesday, didn't seem okay. He was extremely cuddly with me but very vulnerable.

He kept putting his car in "bed" in the dollhouse that was set up in the room. Over and over, repeatedly, putting the car into the bed. Putting the doll to bed and rocking it and then saying the house was "scary" and that it was "scary" at his home.

I asked him, after he kept saying this, if he thought his house was scary and he said yes, over and over. He was talking about the Avilas and from the amount of time he was putting this car "to bed" I wondered how many "naps" he's taking and if anyone is really paying attention to his needs.

He constantly, over and over, asked me to wrap him up "snug as a bug in a rug" and then would suck his thumb and wanted me to rock him and hold him and he would just stare into my eyes.

He did this, I'm not kidding, about 10 or 15 times. And he would want me to just hold him and snuggle and look into his eyes, for about 5 minutes and then he'd be up and running around to put his "car to bed" and then back into my arms.

He wanted to lay in the middle of his blanket and have me wrap him up papoose style, and then pick him up and just rock him in the rocking chair or hold him and rock with him.

He didn't want to leave me that visit. I also documented marks on him again, but not as many.

He had tinea versicolor spots above his left eyebrow, which were not there today but his old spot which was over his right eyebrow had appeared again. I don't know if someone is scrubbing him or applying a topical ointment or what. He has tinea versicolor, just like me.

It's not going to go away.

Just admit you were wrong, Wenatchee, give up the ghost, and return this sweet boy to his loving mother.

It is the right thing to do. It is right in the eyes of this boy and in the eyes of God.

He did an interpretative dance that was very good. He kept saying, "mama! dance with me!"

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