Friday, June 19, 2009

Weirdo Cop

I ran into another cop. And called him on it. And maybe weirdo was part of his deal, his act, or it's just him. I saw his expression and eyes freeze when I said this, but I didn't even say, "you're a cop!" I just said, "'d be a good cop" and he just stared at me like a deer in the headlights.

Later, I brought this up again and he had that exact same look and just froze for a minute, his eyes did and just locked on mine. But he disputed it was true.

He's the third guy in the last few days to tell me he spent 3 years in Italy. Red shirt. Later he's telling me he spent 3 years in Tokoyo and then 3 years in Italy.

One minute he was saying he was really religious and the next minute he was making crude comments. He said he had a job for me and then he's taking it back, claiming it wasn't a job but had been an "opportunity" and said suddenly that he had to get things going and then he could get back to me on it. He gave me the paper with the number on it and then took it back. That's when he started going on about his psychic stuff.

I got the word "drama" or "dramamine" while his friend was talking. One wore a red shirt and the other blue. He said no, but I felt it was pretty right on. They showed up after I was already here.

One had what looked like sectoral heterochromia but I think it actually could have been a colored contact. The one eye was green and the other was brown but it was brown the way a green eye would be with a brown tint over it, because the original color affects it. Then, the other guy said he had webbed toes, like a duck.

It just got weirder because then the red sweater guy is doing this song, like the psycho or whatever tune: doo-doo, doo-doo...And he's talking to some guy named Tony on the phone. Tall blond guy. Next, he's saying he has psychic experiences and asks if I ever see a "dark spirit" and I said no. He says he saw a 3 dimensional one going down into the ground and then he asks if I ever feel "paralyzed" when I'm lying in my bed like I want to get up but I can't. Then the other chimes in and both of them are telling me they have both had this happen. I said no, I do not ever have this happen to me. They just began to sound more and more bizarre.

In the meantime, as they're sitting there, two major car accidents happen within 15 minutes of eachother. Well major fender benders. The car to the left gets rammed by one car and then it takes off and then a car across the street, almost perpendicular, gets the door blown off so it's barely hanging backwards on its hinges, while a man is sitting there just starting to get in. Both accidents almost directly across from where we were sitting.

Then the one guy in the red sweater asks me what I'm "really" there for and implies maybe it's for a hook up or something. No reason to be even asking this when I'm wearing jeans, boots, a long sweater and a modest shirt beneath the sweater. Total cop, looking for "something" I think. And he's sitting there making a sing-song noise, like from the psycho movie: doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo...


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