Friday, July 17, 2009

22nd Witness Statement In Support Of Me

See, no fatty discrimination from me. I was a fattie too. I had to refresh one neighbor's memory because she didn't even recognize me thin because I was huge pregnant and then huge afterwards for some time. I need to fix some of these dates though, because I realize my neighbors knew me longer because they knew me while I was pregnant AND after, so that's more like from 2005-2007 than 2006-2007. Maybe not two full years but 1 1/2.

Statement of Trish Hughes

My name is Trish Hughes and I remember seeing Cameo and Oliver walking back and forth from the library all the time, and I talked to her at my house in 2006-2007. I live across the street from the Post Office, in the same neighborhood.

I remember her when she was overweight and I’ve just now asked her how she lost it because I’ve been trying to lose weight for so long. I remember seeing her every day, walking.

We talked on the porch and she was always waving when they passed by on their walks. Her son was always happy and didn’t seem to be mistreated or anything. The big thing was that he was happy.

I remember seeing her walking while she was pregnant and then after he was born.

I didn’t even recognize her today when she asked if I wanted to make a statement, until she told me how she used to be fat and then I thought, “Oh! I remember her!”

I never thought she was on drugs or alcohol because she didn’t seem like the type.

I am a single mom and have raised both of my children on my own and I believe Cameo was a good mom from everything I observed.

I swear the above statement is true to the best of my ability and belief and is made under penalty of perjury and for purposes of evidence in a court of law.

Trish Hughes

Statement Made July 17, 2009

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