Monday, July 27, 2009

Backing Down & Not Talking

I considered going to police about something and called on July
25, 2006. I didn't give out any IDs, and hardly any info at all. I was referred to a different agency that's more confidential but I'm just dropping it.

I am afraid, and I think it would be stupid for me to say anything at all at this point. I have nothing to share and I've not talked to anyone or given out any names or info.

I am just done. I said I didn't want to report things, and then I worry about my own safety, but I'm just walking away. I don't want any further conflict on anything.

All I want, is to have a normal life and not end up involved in anything.

That said, I blogged about my roommates and was told I shouldn't have and I'm going to put the posts into hiding as well. I am just done with that as well.

I want peace.

I don't want conflict and I don't want to get anyone into trouble. I just want others to do the same for me and respect my safety and leave it at that.

So I'm going to go back and delete some stuff.

What I've blogged has often been self-protective, but then someone new was warning me today and I am just done.

So I walked out and said nothing to police, even though I spoke with them a couple of times.

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