Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Character Witness Statement In Support Of Me #1

This was written by one of my housemates, Chris. He wrote it himself, privately, and then told me when he was done (I swear there was no coercion! :))

To whomever it may concern,
I met Cameo Garrett almost two months ago when she was looking for somewhere to stay here in wenatchee while she looked for work. At first she was really quiet but I have since gotten to know her better and though she isn't perfect (most people aren't) we get along great and I trust her completely. She seems very outgoing and friendly. She tries her best to make the best of whatever situation life seems to throw at her. She is always attentive, courteous, and mindful of others. She gets up early and finds things to fill her day. She does talk about her son often and it is quite apparent she misses him. She is very dedicated to being reunited with him and it seems to be what drives her day to day. Having said that she does other things that in my opinion lots of normal people do. She almost religiously goes for a walk every night around the block sometimes further just to get out of the house. She spends a lot of time writing and some of the things she writes about strike some people as odd. But I understand why she writes what she does. Writing to her is a way of putting down her thoughts and it helps channel emotions. Its not the way I do things (I try to write music on my guitar) but it makes sense. To me everyone needs a way to channel emotions because repressing them up doesn't work and I think she has found a healthy way to do it. I see her for about four or five hours everyday and I enjoy having her as a guest in my home. Generally speaking she is fun creative and definitely full of energy. She is adamant about keeping things clean, doesn't do drugs and I've seen her have a glass of wine twice since I met her, cooks on occasion, reads a lot, and doesn't watch TV really ever. She told me that its been rumored that she has a substance abuse problem. I am a recovering alcoholic and half of my former friends were either alcoholics or users of other drugs so I think I know where I'm coming from when I say that she shows no traits of dependence to anything. If there were two things I could suggest that she would work on the first would be though she listens she is also quite talkative once you get to know her and sometimes it can be hard to get a word in edgewise. The other would be that she spend a little more time day to day just relaxing because for me taking a small step back at the end of the day is the best way to see where you need to begin tomorrow. Other than that she seems like a great person and I wish more people that I meet could be as nice as she is.

I swear the above statement is true to my ability and belief and is made for evidence for court under penalty of perjury.

Christopher Patterson

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