Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Copy of Email to "The Department"

Psychological Evaluation Selection‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 7/15/09 4:59 PM
To: Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (;

I have found someone who is contracted with the state who might be able to get me in within one week.

I like Robin Ladue, but if this other person is good and can get me in, I'll go to them. Please give me a day to contact their offices again and find out a little more about their requirements and how this person is different from Robin Ladue.

Something I'd like to know, at this point, is if I can be double-scheduled if it comes down to it because if one backs out I want the other one to be available.

There have been far too many problems with the department setting me up witha normal psychologist who can hold their ground and follow through, or it has been the fault of the department for not contracting or getting things done in a timely manner.

I take the first 2-3 months of lying about not getting messages from me when I called from D.C. to be enough evidence of an attempt to stall and run out the clock. I'm tired of this.

At this point, it may come down to double scheduling.

However, I would like one day to do some research.

I called Robin Ladue just this afternoon and said I would be willing to go to her on the 14th but that I'd call her to get ahold of her in person tomorrow.

I will try to make a decision tomorrow.



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