Saturday, July 18, 2009

CPS Delays On Turning Over Evidence Of Abuse

I got the photos of the cut and bruising on my son's face which was dismissed as a "scratch" almost a month ago and turned it over to CPS.

My lawyer requested the visitation monitors notes from that visit, where he said he was beat up, to be turned over to us and CPS delayed on turning over ANY visitation monitor's notes until a few days ago.

The next hearing is scheduled for July 22, 2009 and they knew I wanted to make a motion about it but we couldn' do so without the evidence.

We have nothing to go off of in time so we asked for a continuance for a couple of weeks, but I would somehow like to find a way to get some of this information to the Judge sooner than later because my son is still showing the bruisng on his ankles and legs, in the same pattern as well.

CPS left us with only a few days, and turned oer the evidence after they knew it was too late to be submitted on time according to court rules of procedure.

I'll have to get the exact date that the request was made and when things were actually delivered. A state worker dropped off two huge boxes when they specifically knew we had requested the one visit's documentation, and it shouldn't have taken long to produce it and deliver it.

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