Friday, July 10, 2009

La Vida Con Mechanicos

I am fleshing out my first book today. I've been working on bits and pieces already, which are contained in this blog. But I am penned my first line. I don't know, I may change it. It's comedy-based-on-fact, maybe a little fiction thrown in. It begins:

And then I've got another book that's almost finished and just has to be edited. So I'll have two books in fairly short order. The other one is mystery and espionage. As I'm writing my comedy on paper, by hand, and not online, I will give you a teaser inside look at my first 10 minutes of attempt:

The comedy one is going to be primarily ABOUT men, FOR men & their idiosyncracies, and written by a woman who loves men, and will be dedicated to my son.

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