Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rate Of Thyroid Problems In Wenatchee

I am currently wondering what the rate of thyroid problems is, in Wenatchee and the surrounding area. I've talked to a couple of individuals with some knowledge of nuclear power and clean ups. For some reason, I ran into two different individuals yesterday. Anyone who gives me information about nuclear energy or Hanford is remaining unnamed. I talked to one man who is from Virginia and who works on nuclear reactors. Another guy knows a few things about Hanford in particular and has done some work as a writer.

I queried a couple of publications about submission of an article, and talked to a reporter who is now in Spokane who gave some good information and advice. I was pointed in a few directions for doing research and writing an article, but today I've mainly looked at health studies done by Hanford and separate committees, and how release of pollutants has affected the general surrounding communities.

I guess Hanford did a thyroid study and found results inconclusive but most groups have found this strange when other international organizations have found a direct correlation between nuclear spills and increase in thyroid problems. The sampling is very narrow with the study that was done from what I can tell.

The other issue, with Hanford, as an aside, is, I guess, potential fraud. It seems a lot of money, billions every year, has gone torwards clean-up with very little actual progress made. So it's something to look into.

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