Friday, August 21, 2009

Alive: My Spy Monologue In Photos (Part II)

Boss left to use the bathroom. He said everything's twisted when it comes to me, including my earphones. I can't do anything right. I'm bummed.

Okay boss. Peace.

Rats. Do you think sharon stone's producer might want me?

Okay fine. Peace out and cigarette out.

Let's shake hands and call it good

Then again...think you'll find a better honeypot?

You think she'll dance better than me?

I KNEW you had a crush on me

Where do we go from here Boss?

This is going to be a long night

Think you've got a spot for me in Latin America or Mexico?

Maybe you could put me with the clubbers? Or the hippies?

Oh no. Look at the news. You do need me.

Let's talk this over


I can be grounded. See. I'm sitting on the ground. In blue jeans.

Haha boss. You crack me up.

A fraulein? You're kidding.

Boss, you're fascinating

like an insult to me

Oh yeah? What's wrong with being skinny?

I still have curves

I still want to meet Cyndi Lauper

I've always been flexible. I'll do whatever.

(I'm gonna have to work it)

Um, hey boss...ya remember Paris?

Hmmmph. Some sport.

Ya wannanother drink?

Kiss me you fool.

You're getting closer...

You're shy? Since when.

The things I do for you. I told you, I've always been flexible.

Now you're talking.

Go on...

I'll be right back. Need to use the loo.

I'm back. You have my full attention.

Okay, sounds good. My back is killing me.

Skinny is NOT a liability. No one is going to snap my arms in two.

Nighty night bossy boss. You're safe with me...I'll watch the security cameras. I told you I was still flexible.

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