Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Continued Signs of Poisoning

I have some light hyperpigmentation on my face. I cover it with make-up but it's on the right side of my face primarily. Where I got the spot of psoraises that showed up the same day as the hypopigmentation on my arm.

The spot was eczema or psoraises (msp) I thought at first. But it had a kind of scab that I picked off and then it just went away. It was hard and brown on the surface and not like typical eczema or psoraises. After I picked it off, it didn't bleed at all but then it sort of burned to the touch and felt sore.

Then, I've noticed, there is a patchy spot around that area that is darker. I thought it was maybe from the sun but I don't tan this way and it's not freckles. It's hyperpigmentation.

I have both very light hyperpigmentation and noticeable raindrop hypopigmentation.

I looked at my tongue, and my tongue STILL has the brighter red tip where I tasted the metallic taste from the cigarette from "Tiffany" who was at Sully's. It's still red and is different from the rest of my mouth.

Additionally, under my tongue I now have changes I didn't have before. When I first noticed my tongue, I looked under and there was nothing different or unusual. Now there is. There are two small spots where the blood vessels are right on the surface. One is shaped in a spot shape and has a small border and it's not a blister but the blood vessels are right on the surface. Sort of a burst blood vessel but under the skin. Otherwise there are a couple of white patches but I don't know if it's normal or not.
Aside from some broken capillary stuff under my tongue, I have changes to the skin on my eyelids.

I haven't been crying at all so these changes are from something else and are permanent.

I have broken capillaries near my lashes on both eyes and I have a light swelling on my left eye with a rougher spot of skin. On my right eyelid I have a few very small spots of hyperpigmentation, only as big as a part of eyelash or a few stuck together. There is also a very tiny new raised mark which is like a raised mole or tiny wart type thing. When I look at the other marks more closely they are a very tiny series of raised warts or moles but extremely small and all lined up together look like a line.

They are not age spots from the sun.

The other thing is I took my make-up off and looked again at where the raised spot was that I picked off and it's red underneath. You can still see where it was.

I have a couple of very small new hyperpigmentation marks on my face including one under my lip.

I also have about seven new very small burst blood marks on my trunk. Very small,pin prick ones. Bright red. I have 10 on my legs from calves, thighs, to lower buttocks which are new as well. I recounted and I guess I have 12 on my trunk.

I'm pretty sure the broken capillary stuff is new, from yesterday and today. At least it wasn't something that showed up right away. It took a few days. I just looked to see if this is also a symptoms of arsenic and it looks like there is a connection, not that this type of thing isn't usually caused by something normal.

According to this site about another variety of arsenic, some changes to skin and other things can take up to 3-7 years to appear.

I guess arsenic sometimes even causes psoraisis and otherwise normal dermalogical changes. It is another symptom. I only had one spot that I picked off though.

Another good site that explains signs and symptoms is this one, which I found I fit. I had the symptoms from practically every category listed.

It talks about how Mees is only found in 5% of patients with arsenic poisoning and isn't common.

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