Monday, August 24, 2009

Court Today & My Attitude

I feel absolutely calm and in control of my own internal state.

Today they are going to file for termination but I am not angry nor am I distressed. I have done what I could do, especially with being sick the last couple of weeks and threatened with my life.

I have only to state I am filing for appeal and to do this is the right timeframe.

I am not giving up but I am letting go of the fact that I am not in total control of this situation. So I'm not giving up. Some people, some parents do, but I am not a quitter.

I will take it through to the end.

I prayed all day yesterday and meditated and I feel good.

I have not been able to file any papers or receive anything because I've not been well, physically, and yes, I was having anxiety due to things too. I do not have any legal representation but I have requested this. I went almost a year without it when I asked the court for this and then, last, my lawyer withdrew but she wasn't doing anything for my case. I did everything. All I got from the office was a few forms but I did the writing and went around taking statements, which are not even filed.

It doesn't matter. I have today, and I move forward and not back, from today.

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