Wednesday, August 19, 2009

CPS and AG Motive For Preventing My Visit With Son

I think something happened to Oliver that CPS and certain individuals don't or didn't want me to see or document.

Franklin took my videocamera and CPS discontinued visits without a court order from the Judge and says I can't see him until after the next hearing.

My concern is that they are not just keeping my son from seeing me, but that there is something to hide that someone doesn't want me to document.

The huge cut on my son's face, which my son said was from a guy beating him up at a party, occured right after I was banned from taking photos or video of my son. Someone did something to my son right after and wanted me to notice but know I couldn't document or do anything about it.

I think something happened to my son over the weekend and no one wants me to know because I will write about it. Franklin knew I might still document it with my videocamera.

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