Friday, August 21, 2009

Cut Back On Smoking, Drastically

I have only had one cigarette in the last two days. I'm pretty much cutting it out altogether, though it may have helped with migraine. I'm going to cut back to maybe just smoking prior to migraine times to see if that helps.

Also, my appetite is back.

I ate a TON yesterday. I went to the health food store 3 times because I was suprised i still wanted to eat. It wasn't because of the cigarettes I don't think...I may have been chronically exposed to arsenic and that causes anorexia and loss of appetite. I didn't eat much at all.

I am also thinking this would explain all the hair loss over the last month or more and how my creativity totally dried up. I was tired more and couldn't think of one funny or creative thing to say or write.

I feel like my health will be on the upswing.

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