Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lucky Guesses Tonight

I practiced my intuitive guessing on some people I didn't know and I was right 50/50 but more than these odds some of the time. For one guy, a name came to mind, a hispanic name, and it was his favorite aunt, who raised him, who he loves and sends money to. I guessed not just her name but her nickname as well. Her daughter has a nickname for her and they went together.

The other guy I guessed his favorite president. There were a few other things. Some pretty random and some wrong, but they thought I was good enough to keep working at it.

The hispanic guy also had a childhood friend whose unusual name I guessed.

I told them I didn't practice tarot or fortune telling or anything, it was more something I prayed to God about now and then, that ideas might come into my mind which would help others to know a higher power exists and cares, or knows about stuff. Sometimes, I think I write things that I never even know might be true or not, but I just throw it out there.

Sometimes I pray to God first, that some message might come of what I write or say and other times, I just randomly try to hone the skill or guess.

One guy is catholic and religious and has the same background of beliefs about this thing--like, there's a good side and a dark side to it. I do think there is some kind of neutral side too, that everyone might have potential but maybe it's more of a gift for some.

Sometimes I wonder if I've ever hit on anything that's right, that makes it sound like I know something I don't, and really, I'm just throwing something out there but not recognizing it has any importance, or not knowing what the significance is.

It was nice, at least, to relax and have some fun and just talk about normal things and not be worried about getting bumped off.

It's been too much drama, and some of it very serious and I'm not lying about it, but I am thankful for the moments I can just be myself and we can all enjoy one another's company.

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