Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm going to be going through an entire list of names and other identifiers of people who have recently approached me or screwed me over, and then passed me over to people they knew who did the same thing. I will be be posting every single name I have and anything else and contact info I was given:

I just found out another pair of my shoes was stolen from my bag. It had to have happened the last night or day I was in Bainbridge.

Gary: The last person to be around my bags was the Bainbridge taxi driver, Gary. He had my bags when I still had a discharge notice from the hospital in them and then it was taken. It didn't fall out. He was the only one around my bags when I wasn't looking. He made a point of hanging red and green necklaces on his rearview mirror. He said his last name was "Hartman" like the show, and wrote this on his card, but I don't know if it's true. His number is 206-842-1021 through the taxi service, Bainbridge Island Taxi.

Franklin Gilkey: Gary picked me up at Bainbridge and drove me to a place where I met Franklin. I was told by Gary to only go there. Gary was referred or called up by the Eagle Arbor people. Franklin Gilkey was the only one around my bags when my videocamera and cigarettes were stolen, the only one near my bags when I wasn't looking.

Franklin also made a point to wear red and green two days in a row and told me, when I first met him, that he sold or worked with medical devices.

He's been in Washington in the medical field. Later he told me he tested organs with medical instruments. He has contacts with medical professionals and those in the medical field.

He told me the name he was giving me was "Susie" and then the next day specifically turned on the song by James Taylor, "Fire and Rain" and when I asked him to change it he acted shocked. He said, "You don't like James?" I said, "No." So then he was flipping back and forth and back and forth nervously and turned it off.

I had someone tell me Franklin got paid to stall me and keep me from getting back to Wenatchee earlier. I don't know if it's true, but he did go to the bank machine and checked his account the next morning, after leading me on to tell me he was going to help me with money to get me back to Wenatchee and then backing out. I have his phone number.

I found out CPS attorney and CPS discontinued my visits with my son after I missed this visit that I was trying to get to, on Monday. I would check Gilkey's account for any new deposits because it was clear he was trying to keep me from getting back and lied to me to do it. That night, on Sunday night, he had a party and stayed out all night. I had been trying to get back Sunday.

He came back to the house and then said he was going to the casino at about 2 in the morning and then he came back late. He went to the bank the first thing in the morning because he needed to check something.

I fully believe he got paid to stall and keep me from getting back to Wenatchee and that this would set the grounds for CPS and their lawyers to argue I'd missed the visit so to discontinue them.

The other thing Franklin did was that there was a black crow's feather in the yard in front of me. He took out two black crows feathers from a jar with nothing wrong with them and threw them out in front of me. I asked him what that symbolized and he said nothing. I later looked it up and it's supposed to be a kind of curse or signifying a dead spirit or one about to die. He had a whole line up of hats, all with the letter "B" on them, but I don't know what team that signifies.

Nancy: Nancy, who works at the Calico Cat, was the woman who told me not to go back to Wenatchee, because, she said, she knew I had quit breathing and had been choking. She told me this was literal and then later changed and said she was just psychic and meant this in a figurative sense and knew I'd been "suffocating". I had given her zero information about myself or my life when she told me this. Cheryl introduced me to her and Nancy gave me her business card with her personal numbers on it and then it disappeared from my bag when I stayed one night with Cheryl. No one but Cheryl had access to my bags.

: I also have the phone number for the woman I stayed with, who also wore red and green, for whatever reason, when she approached me to say to stay with her instead of paying for a hotel room. She lived in the Phillipines for 20 years and then worked in Bainbridge.

Katherine E. Meadowcraft: I was able to get work at a place in Bainbridge, for 3 hours, until a couple people came in and defamed me to the owner and then I was let go. One man and woman came in with their baby but the person who talked to the owner was Katherine E. Meadowcraft and I don't know anything about her yet--what she does or where she's from. But I was blacklisted. I got her name by looking at the credit card she was using to buy items with. This happened at Mon Elisa. The owner told me her son, Michael, was in Switzerland working on a degree in International relations and she and her husband traveled all over the world.

There were a few individuals following me around even in Bainbridge and I wrote a few license plate numbers down. One woman looked familiar to me, like she works in the medical field, but I don't know for sure.

The circle of individuals I was around all knew eachother and my things were being stolen while I was around them.

People From The Hostel: There were a few specific individuals at the hostel I stayed at in Seattle while trying to work out the protective order and legal details. I don't remember all their names but I can describe them and which ones showed up after I was there and who offered me food. Some of the individuals were either from other countries or put on a great accent. I ate a plate of food which may or may not have had something in it, but I was bleeding the next day. I think with arsenic though, this occurs a few days after ingesting something bad. One guy looked Irish and was tall and from Australia. His friend was also from Australia.

There were a couple of other guys, one whom I saw near the bus station when I was getting ready to go back to Wenatchee the next day. I know his face but not his name and he had longer brown hair, white, and had been the one to offer me the "burrito" of split pea soup with bacon which I didn't eat.

There was a black man there with dreadlocks who took me to a Mexican restaurant where I again had an episode of bleeding following a couple of bites. I can get the name of the restaurant.

Tim O
: The man who gave me a ride to the bus station who I mentioned, who talked about his ex-wife who was psychotic and held knives against him at night, and who kept bringing up things which indicated he already knew who I was, was this guy, and he works for Cordial Limousine and at a casino. He took me to the bus station in Seattle where I then went to Chehalis and then Vancouver for the psych eval. The number he gave me 206-883-3222.

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