Monday, August 31, 2009

New Hypopigmentation On Son's Skin (Not Genetic)

I said I wouldn't blog unless it might be life threatening.

I am only concerned because my son has hypopigmentation on his arm that is new.

There are two large spots on his right hand near the wrist, and his lower arm.

He never had this before. It's new.

It's the same thing, the same kind of hypopigmentation that happened to me. He doesn't have it as badly as I do. I could only see a couple of spots and then some small faint ones on his leg.

Anyone can see the same thing I see.

My son didn't have this before I left the area for the appointment I made. I checked him at every visit, just a lookover to be sure he didn't have signs of abuse because he still goes to different people sometimes, and is outside of my supervision.

It's not genetic because I never had this in my life, until what was going on in the Seattle area. It showed up for the first time there.

With my son, same thing, and yet he was in a totally different location.

I know beyond a doubt that The Avilas wouldn't have done anything which caused this. I have no doubt whatsoever.

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