Friday, August 7, 2009

Not Blogging Pointless

It doesn't really matter if I blog or not anymore, I've discovered.

Since I quit, several things have happened and I've received information from persons who actually care, which make it clear that I'm not going to get my son back no matter what, I'm not going to get work in this state, and I'm not going to get ahead in any fashion.

What is also clear, is that I'm in danger, and persons who could do something about this, who work for the same country I'm a citizen of, will do nothing. As the woman from the FBI said, out of hand, without hearing any details: "Oh alright, we're not going to help you."

That is pretty much as clear as it gets. I've asked for assistance in the past, and things only escalated and got worse.

My MMPI is fine and there is no mental illness. But if they can't get mental illness to punish and discredit me with, it will be false charges and continual railroading.

I do accept the theory or accusations that I've done any of "this" to myself. That is a lie.

I have had many people come out of the woodwork in the last few days and show me a little bit more about their true intentions, feelings, and what is happening. My enemies, who made themselves so by their own decision, have been emboldened.

I have been online and had my laptop with me and not had any "compulsion" to write, but I write now, by choice, because with some of the mind games and serious games and threats leveled my direction, I fail to see how being quiet about any of this helps me in any way.

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