Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not Nuts & Bloodwork Changes

I got the go-ahead as not being totally nuts. She ended up being nice too. The only thing I wasn't totally honest about, because I know she wouldn't understand, was when she asked if I thought I was being followed or if someone was trying to hurt me. I downplayed.

Aside from that, I don't know what to think. For one thing, my CBC is totally different now. It changed.

The potassium went from 3.3 to 3.5 which is still low but normal. The CO2 went from an abnormally low 20 then to a 27 now. The doctor said he was really puzzled by that in particular.

The coagulation was about the same.

The coagulation throws me because at Virginia Mason the blood samples were flowing so fast and filled FOUR 12 ml vials in no time and then it took forever to fill 4 little vials that total 6 ml this time. I would have predicted totally different coagulation rates.

I asked the doctor about blood color and what could make blood appear more bright red or more dark and thick. My blood before was thinner and very red and this time it was maybe about the same consistency but very different in color.

He said he thought maybe lighting but the lighting was the same. Different hospital but same flourescent lighting.

I am starting to think the bleeding may have been caused by something besides arsenic possibly but that possibly arsenic was introduced later? Or maybe not because wouldn't some of my bloodwork be abnormal? So I don't understand. I am wondering what other explanations there are for the raindrop hypopigmentation too, if not arsenic, and I do have faint Mees lines.

The main thing the doctor didn't get was that the CO2 was so different within just one week's time.

The other thing, is that I asked a nurse if she saw Mees lines and she sees the same faint lines I see but she said she doesn't know enough about Mees to know for sure. But she sees them, just like I do, so I'm not delusional at all.

They're there. It makes me wonder, if they're so faint, if there was some poisoning over a longer period but only really light, light, poisoning? I don't know.

They're doing more tests to find out.

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