Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On Psychosis

I have never looked up the signs of psychosis before. I had a couple of individuals try to claim I was, which was an interesting digression from "paranoid schitzophrenia" and some other things.

What I find interesting, is the serious attempt to discredit me by any means possible. When it doesn't add up, the diagnosis assigned to me by others changes. I say a psychologist tells me schitzophrenia would be a very late onset if I had it, and it doesn't make sense.

So the newest latest greatest is "psychosis". Sort of hard to prove this isn't it? I mean, it's a guessing game if you're not actually around the person when they have this break. But, I was told recently, aha! it has a "late onset"! Perfect.

No wonder I've had all these weirdos trying to claim this is what I've got. Waving knives around supposedly and not knowing it, and a host of other things. Right. But hey! at least it's one major disorder which someone could try very hard to sledgehammer like an orange into the cracks of a brick wall for cement. Juicy, but somehow, still doesn't hold anything together. But at least it might fit my "age group". Hell, after psychosis is passe, let's move on to dementia or alzheimers.

But anyway, I was not diagnosed with this, but I was told it a symptom is "racing thoughts". I said flatly, "I don't HAVE racing thoughts." If I did, I would think it was mania, not psychosis. But, interesting. Might look it up one day and find out how many things don't fit me at all.

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