Thursday, August 20, 2009

Play by Play on Arsenic Poisoning

This is turning, my blog is, that is, turning into a play by play on arsenic poisoning.

I certaintly "feel" generally okay, but this is the phase where symptoms go latent for awhile. First you have the noticeable stuff and then if you survive, your body goes through a latent phase. The poison is still working on the system but no side effects are noticed.

I have only noticed a couple of new things this afternoon. Some spots are appearing on my chest--hyperpigmentation AND hypopigmentation.

Also, I have a lot more spider veins that came up to the surface on my legs. Small and not super noticeable, but I notice everything. Some of the larger veins seem just slightly darker in parts too.

My vision hasn't been bad anymore so that's good. It was really blurry for a few days. Mabye 3 days of blurry vision.

At least I got some credibility through the pesticide specialists. That makes me feel better.

The other new thing I'm noticing is that the blood is pooling strongly in my feet or hands or knee or wherever I press into something. Instead of going back to normal color skin right away, my skin is keeping a very, very, bright red appearance.

I also have three new hyperpigmentation spots on my face. Splotchy spots near my hairline and forehead.

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