Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Possible Poison Indicators & Timeline

I talked with the pesticide specialist again and he asked for more of my medical history.

I also spoke with a guy who said STDs can cause pigment changes, but I told him I appreciated the information (because I do) but that this is impossible because I've been testedd for STDs and I don't have any. He said gonnorhea, for one. But I have never had any of these. So it's not possible. I have also been tested for AIDS and HIV and I don't have these either.

But I did think about my health and certain timelines of whenever I've had extreme and yet unexplained health problems.

The first time I ever had problems was while I was still in Portland, Oregon and in litigation. I got chronically sick and even asked the Judge for a medical abatement because I was weak, tired, my hair was falling out, I had huge unexplained bruising, and chronic bronchitis with blood in the phlegm, which was usually green. Of course, cough as well. But I was very, very, ill and it affected everything.

It was very bizarre. This kind of chronic bronchitis is called industrial bronchitis.

I will write more, but it first began in Oregon.

I started thinking about a timeline for possible exposures to toxins and this would have been the first time I suspected something was really wrong. The pesticide guy brought it up because sometimes skin pigment changes will occur like 3 years after chronic exposure to something. So I started looking back.

I went to the doctor about it, the odd chronic bronchitis, and it's documented. Bronchitis is actually a sign of arsenic poisoning but it could have been some other toxin. Then, I noticed, while traveling back and forth from Wenatchee or Cashmere to Oregon, I was still getting sick. I'd get better and then travel back and get really sick again.

Then I would have periods where I was in very good health for a long time. When I quit going to Oregon, the chronic bronchitis and bruising went away.

I never had acute poisoning though, or bleeding out or any of the more noticeable stuff. I'm going to do a little research though.

I got really, really, sick when I was still in Portland, Oregon. There were a couple of lawsuits going on. One against the Willamette Week, and then one against the Abbey, and then I filed something about Judges in Oregon. It wasn't that big of a deal, but I ran into Bujanda and Garza about that time.

I would have to go back and check records to find out when I started getting so sick. I finally went to the Judge Janis ? about it because I was so ill and she said she wouldn't give me a medical abatement. I remember John Kaempf noticing an enormous bruise on my calf as I was walking up the stairs. He looked uncomfortable about it. He saw it and then walked away and came back later. It was larger than ones I've taped, and it was from nothing in particular. I was bruising very badly.

I later thought perhaps all the sickness was from some kind of black mold or something in my apartment. However, no one else in the whole complex was getting sick.

What was odd, was that after I reported the FBI guys, someone did break into my apartment and the only thing I noticed that was missing was the business card from Bujanda with all his numbers on it. Right after that, I noticed a large black spot appear on the kitchen ceiling, not above the stove and I called maintenance. The guy was freaked out and said it was odd and asked how long it had been there. I said it just showed up, almost overnight. It didn't look like black mold really, but it was something. I assumed black mold later. The guy painted over it I think but he kept looking at it.

So when I was in Cashmere, my health improved except for having low blood pressure, frequent headaches, and getting dizzy (from low blood pressure). Eventually, I gained back my strength. My hair wasn't falling out anymore and I was starting to feel good enough to even try running again.

Then I moved to Wenatchee and had all the harassment and vandalisms again. And different kinds of health issues, with my son.

Finally, I had the odd period cycle issue. Where my period quit and my hair was falling out and I was having some bleeding again, in my nose or mouth, but there was no bronchitis, oh, I did get some minor case of it now that I remember. My periods quit for 3 months and then in Canada I had one normal one and then they tapered away as I was living with different people. In D.C. I wasn't having periods really, except for one day or two day very light stuff. It wasn't normal for me. It was like this until Alvaro left and I had a normal period for the first time. Then the next one was totally hemmorhagic, thin, and bright red blood. I had one or two of these but the one before last was very bad and lasted a long time. All of a sudden, for the first time in forever I had a totally normal period with a normal timespan and everything, which just ended a little while ago.

After I had the hemmorhagic period I had the food offered by some and had the extreme rectal bleeding. And then very significant other illness which I still feel somewhat weak from. Then the skin hypopigmentation appeared.

My hair isn't falling out like it was now. It's not coming out in handfuls. Something was at least partly corrected. My period was normal.

I haven't been on any medications. My diet has been the same throughout and my level of stress about the same throughout too.

I am wondering if I was exposed to something other than "black mold" in Oregon. It was advantageous for me to be so sick during that time and I remember telling a "friend" that the only thing which could slow me down really would be physical illness. After saying this, I got sick. I told her I felt emotionally I was just coping better and doing okay but what would affect me was physical illness. And it did. The cases were all dropped and dismissed because I was too sick to keep up and I had to drop out of college too.

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