Saturday, August 15, 2009

Evidence Of Raindrop Hypopigmentation From Arsenic Poisoning This is a photo I found of what my left arm looks like. It's not this dramatic, but this is the kind of pattern of hypopigmentation that I was describing. It's the same thing. "Arsenic also causes white marks (raindrop hypopigmentation) and scaly lesions on the palms and soles (arsenical keratoses). 55k - 8 sec @ 56k This site uses Flash" It occurs with some diseases but also with arsenic poisoning. This occured on my arm overnight. I also read that arsenic poisoning is usually somewhat discreet if it's not caught because it goes out of the system within 1-2 hours. I guess I still have some evidence on my arm...Which I'll be uploading in a moment. I did a search of "hypopigmentation, arsenic poisoning" and found the following article which lead me to the term "raindrop hypopigmentation" which then lead to other articles and photos. It is possible that arsenic or a poisonous compound may be found in my hair. It may also be possible, though, that some other kind of "antidote" was later ingested by me or given to me which would erase or try to cancel out or confuse a reading of arsenic in my hair. If that's the case, I still have the spots on my arm and my own testimony of all of my symptoms. Hmmm. I wonder when someone or some group will start taking this seriously. Not only that, this pattern usually occurs with multiple exposures to arsenic, or after chronic exposure of some kind, and not generally with just one application or toxic dose.

I just finished uploading the video of the new pigmentation. It's found at YouTube: childoftheking100.

I have a couple of videos which are blurry but show how large the bruising is on my body, which is only about 4 days old. I don't know why they're so green. Usually bruising is purple and brown I think, but these are baseball sized bruises on my back and thigh (the ones on my back appeared after sitting in a massage chair). The one on my thigh is unexplained and there are others I didn't document. But I'm bruising more easily lately.

I'll try uploading these at "childoftheking100" in a moment. And then some video footage of me and my son that I've wanted to upload but haven't been on the right computer for.


  1. Re: the pigmentation and how arsenic can deregulate it:

    and this re antidotes for arsenic:

    Did you have a blood sample taken to see if urinanalysis to see if there was arsenic present?

    The bruising looks really painful. Were your hemoglobin levels normal?

  2. I think the hemoglobin was fairly normal. Something on the measurements for coagulation were on the border of low.

    I tried to get a blood test done and the hospital wouldn't do it. They didn't believe me and the psych woman wrote everything off as "pschosis" which it clearly was not.

    The depigmentation is more noticeable on my upper arm, which I didn't get on the camera. It's a little spotchier on the shoulder.

  3. Arsenic can still be measured in hair as far as I know, and the symptoms and depigmentation can be used to make a diagnosis even if no recent blood is available.
