Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Requested My Statement To Be Filed With Discharge Notes

I emailed and then spoke with the law office and said I wanted my statement to be included with the discharge notes from this last visit to ER. The receptionist said, "I think we have what we need."

My statement was the following:

"Your Honor,

I was recently released from ER for possible arsenic poisoning which they are still doing testing for--they believe there is reasonable cause. I have been afraid for my life and didn't know what to do and the Officer Bencurt instructed me to go to ER at once.

In the last week and a half I've had worsening symptoms and have been extremely sick and, also, scared.

I was instructed to file for a protective order in Seattle before returning to Wenatchee and then I had symptoms of poisoning and was told to go to the Bremerton hospital for help.

I tried to get back to Wenatchee right away but there isn't time.

I called my lawyer and he'd left and they said they needed a copy of the discharge instructions from hospital.

I was given discharge instructions but they were lost somehow on the way over.

If you would please not issue a warrant, I am already trying to get back to Wenatchee and can check in with the court later this afternoon.

I swear this statement is true to the best of my ability and belief and is made for evidence in court.

Thank you,
Cameo Garrett"

I sent an email to the law offices requesting this be done.

The hospital took a hair sample and sent it out to the lab for further evaluation.

I have other indicators which pretty much indicate this is the cause.

However, the law offices said they received two pages of discharge instructions and I didn't receive two pages. That hospital only gave me the first page, the face sheet. I have no idea what is on the second page which was faxed to lawyers.

As for the one page which was faxed over, I had this taken or lost from the point I left the hospital to when I was on the ferry but my bags were with me the entire time. I had a taxi driver, Gary, from Bainbridge Taxi, help me with my bags but they were otherwise not out of sight. I went straight from the hospital to the ferry to make my way over right away.
I wanted the Judge to understand it wasn't just one day of being in ER but that this has been a recent ongoing thing which has prevented me from getting things done in normal fashion and returning to Wenatchee. I had also tried to explain this to Shane because I couldn't talk to him because of being sick.

A whole month went by and no contact and then I was supposed to talk to him last Monday and go to court on Tuesday. I said I had thought the hearing was for a week later. It kept changing. I was sick Monday and had just been in ER for the bleeding. I then was told it would be another week before I could talk to him and there was no time to talk beforehand and he said he would talk to me yesterday but I was concerned for my safety and talking to a police officer and then in ER again and this time they did send for testing.

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