Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Strange ER Visit Today ("Compazine" for Migraine)

My period ended and then I had the migraine symptoms coming on last night. It was more of a tension headache but I was really hungry, more than usual, and this is a common tip off to migraineurs, that one is coming on.

By this morning, it was on one side of my head, but the other side than usual, and nothing behind my eye at all. It was pretty bad though, and I had nausea and sensitivity to light.

I decided to go to ER which is the only place I can go in Wenatchee for migraine. The other clinics refuse to see me.

So I've told them that ergotamine works for me and was wonderful in Canada. The problem is, they don't do it here, like they do it in Canada. In Canada, they gave me an IV and it immediately stopped an extremely severe, traditional migraine, where I had piercing pain behind my eye.

When I came to Wenatchee ER, at Central, they said they had ergotamine in IV but it wasn't really. It was like a syringe full of fluid which they injected into an IV tape but it wasn't the whole Canada method. Not only that, the last time they tried it, it worked for about a half hour and then I still had migraine.

So I went back today, but I think this migraine was different for a number of reasons.

1. It was on the opposite side of my head, than is usual.
2. No under the eye pain which I usually get

AND, I think, my own attempts to remedy it probably worked better than what I got at ER. With the non-traditional migraine, I can sometimes take OTCs and drink coffee, and then I've found some research online that shows nicotine actually DOES stimulate the pituitary and affects the same receptors which affect migraineurs. Not only that, it affects blood constriction.

So this morning, right before going to ER, I had coffee and I smoked two cigarettes to see if it helped. It didn't work right away. But what I found, was that I think it took time and then worked well.

It took about 30 minutes I believe, to affect my migraine and pretty much cure it. I went in and was still suffering but then I used the restroom and laid down and all of a sudden, I realized my migraine was basically gone.

I thought, "Oh great. I come to ER with a migraine and then I'm just going to say it's better?" I thought walking out might not be good because I get these things for 2-3 days at a time usually so I figured prevention is better than cure. So I wanted to at least get ergotamine to maybe keep it away. I've never had this happen before, where I walked in with a migraine and then it went away and I figured it was because of the smoking with caffeine and the fact it was non-traditional.

So I went in and the Dr. was pleasant and wanted to give me something for nausea he said. Compazine. I said I wasn't familiar with that drug and would like to see literature on it first. Then, I thought to myself, "I think that's an anti-psychotic drug, isn't it?" and I said this to him out loud. He said, oh no, not at all, it was for nausea.

I didn't have nausea anymore. So I didn't need anything for that. I needed something, if ANYTHING to just keep the migraine from coming back and what I know and what CANADA knows (props to f---in' CANADA) is that two things work for menstrual cycle migraine: marijuana for prevention and ergotamine for instant abortion.

More and more and more, I am falling in love with Canadians. Yeah, I've had a few problems with some of 'em, but on the whole that country is sophisticated in a very strange sense--that they are this wild outdoor country with a whole LOT of f---in' common sense.

So he insists he wants to give me an IV of "fluids" and "electrolytes" after I say I don't want Compazine unless I read literature on it.

Nurse comes back with a big bag of fluid and she tells me the doctor has ordered this:

1. Compazine (most powerful anti-psychotic drug on the market)
2. Benedryl

I'm thinking to myself...ummm...yeah right. Where's the fuckin' ergotamine?

So I told her I wanted to see literature on Compazine first. Then I said I didn't want it at all if they didn't have literature on it, and I also told her Benedryl has never helped my migraines and only makes me sick.

I asked for a shot of ergotamine and a couple of Vicodin. If it came back, I had Vicodin and the ergotamine should prevent it from coming back.

So he says sure, and the nurse comes back with a syringe for ergotamine. I should have looked at the label, actually. Whatever it was made absolutely no difference to how I felt at all. So I asked, after being injected, how much ergotamine it was because it certaintly didn't seem like ergotamine to me. I was told it was 1 milligram. I need to call Canada and find out how much they give.

SO the Dr. comes back to tell me I need a PCP so I can go on medication and take pills of "ergotamine". I told him I didn't know there was such a thing. I also told him I had tried Migranol which is a nasal spray form of the stuff and I still had to stay home from work because it wasn't strong enough. Not with my traditional migraine at least.

So then it got weirder. A social worker comes back to talk to me. I am thinking to myself, "About migraine?" I mean, this is absolutely out of control ridiculous. I felt like I was sitting in a 3-ring circus. I told her I'd never heard of a visit from a social worker for someone who is being treated for migraine. So she asks if I have thoughts of harming myself and/or others and to talk to her. I told her about all the crap I've been through with Wenatchee medical professionals is what I told her.

Then, the Dr. comes back and, huh! interesting! He looks into my eyes with a light and has me touch his fingers with my own and then asks the following: "Do you have any thoughts of harming yourself or others? Do you have a safe place to stay?"

I looked at him directly and said, "You're asking me if I want to hurt myself or others when I'm coming in for a migraine?!" I told him I'd never heard of that before and that I was also shocked a social worker was sent in when I was going to ER for, very specifically, MIGRAINE. And not just an out of the blue one either, but one that right on schedule, that followed my menstrual cycle.

GET A Fuckin' CLUE. READ UP! Wenatchee, about MENSTRUAL MIGRAINE. How many times do you need to read the neurology reports from my neurologists and how many times do you need to know what works for me, to fucking figure this OUT?

I am starting to think they still don't want to give me any credibility for anything at all. They still don't want to be wrong, when they slandered me as being "drug seeking" and "mentally ill" when they refused to treat me for migraine in the past. So it's all gone back to the mentally ill bit and they're trying to push anti-psychotic drugs when I've already demonstrated, through MONTHS of not having to go to ER OR a doctor, what WORKS.

WHY is it that I only need to go to ER when I'm in Wenatchee??! I will tell you one thing, it's because marijuana WORKS to prevent migraines and I've found out nicotine has some of the same qualities of what it does to certain glands and horomones and circulation issues that migraineurs suffer with. For the record, when I DO have a migraine, what CANADA gave me, is the "cocktail" that works on migraine, not this Toradol shit.

So then I tried to get a copy of the notes in case my migraine comes back or gets worse because I have an important hearing tomorrow. The doctor wrote me a note to excuse me from work tomorrow which would apply to hearings but if I can be there I will be. I also got the discharge note. But although I do not fault the Dr. for his bedside manner, I am just concerned.

I told him, when the social worker was sitting there, that ergotamine doesn't come in pill form, to my knowledge, and he said he was going to give it to me in the IV. He said that's what the huge bag was filled with. I said, "The nurse told me it was Compazine." He said no, it wasn't, that it had been ergotamine and compazine was to go along with it (I guess, along with the benedryl).

I couldn't get ahold of the medical records, but I will be checking to see what I was given, actually. I was told I was given a 1 mg. shot of ergotamine. We'll see.

At any rate, from what I've found, both marijuana and nicotine can act as prevention remedies for migraine, menstrual migraine specifically and it has nothing to do with "anxiety relief". It would be very peculiar for anyone to have an "anxiety" pattern which just so-happened to fall right before a period starts and then right after it ends. Sorry, but "anxiety" isn't on time, like clockwork.

The thing with smoking, is that it stimulates or somehow constricts circulation IN ADDITION to directly affecting specific glands and receptors in the brain. BOTH marijuana AND nicotine affect appetite. What's interesting, is that nicotine alters it for some, by making them LESS hungry, and pot alters it for some by making them MORE hungry. However, both affect the exact same horomones and gland in the brain that regulates appetite and horomones. Migraine sufferers often get this pre-migraine symptom, of hunger and it's because that adrenal or pituitary gland are directly affected.

What happens with pot or nicotine is that the parts of the brain which are involved in regulating some of these things, are ALTERED. It's interesting to me that just tipping the scale here and there would make such a difference, but it does.

Forget law school. I guess I should be a fucking doctor.

So anyway, nicotine and pot are entirely DIFFERENT substances which affect the body and brain in different ways but they have the following in common:

1. Affects blood flow and circulation,
2. Affects receptors in the brain,
3. Affects glands in the brain that regulate horomones

What I think is psychotic is the level of ignorance and cover up that goes into making simple solutions very difficult to come by.

Ergotamine, also has similiar effects to nicotine and pot. It directly affects circulation, horomones, and brain receptors, but in a more dramatic way.

I don't think the U.S. military should ban cigarettes anymore, by the way. I've done enough experimentation to know it may be keeping some of their people from getting migraine or getting them as badly as they might. But yeah, watch out for those poisoned cigarettes...

And watch out for fuckin' QUACK doctors.

So class, later I will write out a balanced article about the specific corrolations between pot and nicotine and ergotamine and how they help or affect those who get migraine.

I'd rather be "Hot for Science" than "Hot for Words".

By the way, guess what ergotamine is derived from?

LSD. Yep, hallucigenic mushrooms. Then you've got your pot which was used by all U.S. and European doctors until the 1930s, for migraine. Then you've got nicotine, which is for some reason legal while the others are not, and it was used as a medicine by Native Americans for centuries.

Not only that, the CIA and others have done some research which suggests, from testimonials, that those who get cluster headaches are pretty much cured for life after a trip on hallucigenic mushrooms.

I've done my homework.

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