Sunday, August 9, 2009

Virginia-Mason Refuses Treatment, Diagnosis Psychosis

According to the U.S. federal government, normal range potassium is between 3.7-5.something. I came in with 3.2 which is considered to be abnormally low and something to be treated. They refused treatment. I guess they wanted to make it seem like there was nothing wrong with me at all, as if I had no abnormal potassium, no high heartrate, and no rectal bleeding which was abnormal and unexplained whatsoever.

They first said they were going to treat me and after I spoke with the mental health woman, Kris J. from Fairfax, who obviously didn't like me, they decided to refuse medical treatment, and said the orange juice I drank would have elevated my levels.

The doctors were Dr. Stevens and Dr. Hall with Virginia-Mason in Seattle. Dr. Stevens spoke with me and then Dr. Hall didn't even see me. I never met him but supposedly he decided not to treat me for anything physical after he got a report from Kris J., who was PISSED when I told her "I'd like to have you leave now, thanks."

The woman told Dr. Hall I had "psychosis" when all I ever said to her, at all, was that I had a history of repeated stalkings and car vandalisms and more recently, death threats.

She said she didn't believe any of it. So I read aloud from some sworn witness statements from neighbors who have confirmed vandalisms. She didn't care and it didn't change her mind.

She deliberately denied I could be having anyone approach me with death threats or telling me I was a threat to "national security" and said all these people were just absolute figments of my imagination, like they never even existed literally.

I told her exactly where she could find some of these individuals.

This is turning out to be a big joke. One minute I'm threatened about "national security" and get multiple death threats, and the next minute I have hospital people lying or pretending nothing is wrong at all.

Of all the songs that jazz band sang the other night, while I was in Tacoma, with Greg Glassman as lead guitarist, my favorite has to be:

"Top Secret".

Top Secret my ASS.

At this point, I am not even concerned about what some of these so-called "professionals" say. They come in with an agenda, and they leave with their agenda's in place. I do not believe, for one minute, that everyone in the public thinks I'm delusional. I think the problem for some is that I actually have a lot more people who believe what I'm saying than not.

Kris J. probably has an interesting history. I asked before I was ever directed to this hospital, what the history of the hospital was.

I don't even trust what the blood samples were all taken for at this point. They took four vials of blood and didn't do anything important with any of them. They just decided to write up what they wanted.

At this point, I don't think my problems have had anything to do with drugs. I had the harassment and vandalisms long before I ever met anyone with anything to do with drugs.

This is about religion.

I insulted some religious groups, and they wanted to smear me for it, just like Fr. Joachim McCann said they would.

I would guess, since I was so often approached by military, CIA contractors, and Dept. of State people, that this also has something to do with the CIA. The FBI is non-responsive, but only the CIA would pull the kind of shit that's been pulled, using others with international connections. They went OUT OF THEIR WAY, when I was in D.C., to approach me.

I said I didn't want to be a fucking spy and I got the hump and dump, plain and simple. One minute I'm living with guards for the CIA and the next minute, I'm getting it in the back from the international politician.

It's religion and politics and this has nothing to do with drugs.

Drugs is an excuse for everything. I am not involved in drugs and anything I know is so low-level it doesn't even racket up the radar.

It's pure religion and politics and the two are seldom separate.

I'm getting an independent evaluation from a professional who knows how to do an actual professional evaluation, and I'm handing over my evidence to clear my name as well.

I guess for some, it's better that I am "psychotic" than that they ever be caught.

If anyone thinks I'm letting all of these mind games slide, they had better think again.

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