Thursday, August 20, 2009

Volunteered Myself To Be A Guinea Pig

One stupid thing I did,

Which I haven't wanted to add to my blog because it was a stupid thing to do...

Before problems at the E. Wenatchee location got worse, or weirder, is that I voluntered myself to be a guinea pig for the government.

I wrote in, saying if there was anything I could do, that would help the U.S., even if it was not known to me what it was, I wanted to be a part of an experiment that might help other people or help the country.

If they wanted to solve some scientific question or try something that might help others, I was giving my consent.

Very stupid thing to do, on my part, during a "time of war" when actually, experiments can be performed on humans with zero consent or knowledge, but I offered myself up.

I sent it in by email.

Stupid thing to do, because one has no idea what form of experiment you're subjecting yourself to. I just wanted to be of some good use, all in the name of patriotism.

However, I don't think this is what was happening really, unless it was an excuse by some other group to screw around with my life and the life of my son.

Given the number of medical and military people I met thereafter, however, who interrogated me on so many things, I have wondered now and then.

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